Down to Business

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The next day Michael woke me up bright and early. He cooked some sausage, pancakes, scrambled eggs made some mimosa's and brought it up to the room. We had a nice chat about why he doesn't celebrate the holidays and whether or not he'd except any gifts I got him for his birthday.

"No gifts!!" He laughed, as I poked him in his sides. "I don't want you spending any of your hard earned money on me!"

"It's just one gift, Michael. One. Gift!" I said laying across his lap. He stroked my hair and hummed a tune to an unfamiliar song.

"Nope. No gifts." He continued humming. "Plus, my birthday is like seven months away!!"

"Okay aaaaand?" I smiled. "I have to plan early."

"Noooooo gifts!" He sung.

"Alright, fine." I smiled. "No gifts."

He shook his head at me knowing damn well I wasn't paying him no mind. He was getting a gift from me whether he liked it or not.

There was a soft knock on the door and Nigel walked in. "Boss, we need to get a move on."

I sat up and looked at Michael. "Alright, give us a second." He said sending Nigel back out. He took my hands in his, "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. I knew he was slightly concerned about my safety but I was confident in myself.

"Positive!!" I exclaimed. I jumped out of bed and ran in the bathroom to get dressed. I turned in Michael's pajama pants in exchange for a sexy black dress. It fit perfectly against my body showing every curve. It had off the shoulder straps revealing some cleavage and it stopped mid thigh. I put on a pair of red high heels and completed my look with a long bone straight ponytail with my bangs swooped to the side.

I looked at myself again in the mirror, satisfied with my look and walked back in the room.

"Ready." I said. Michael, Nigel and Richard were huddled up on the patio talking when I interrupted them. They all turned to look at me and for the amount of time they stared, I started feeling a bit self conscious and thought I was overdressed for the job.

"Umm... So I need to go change...?" I asked unsure, turning to retreat back into the safety of the bathroom.

"NO!!" They all said in unison.

Michael walked over and spun me around. I landed in his arms and he planted a kiss on my lips. "You look perfect." He whispered in my ear, nibbling on my neck. I giggled before gently pushing him away before he messed up my makeup.

"Come here," He pulled me out to the patio where Nigel and Richard was still staring at me. "So?" Michael asked spinning me around once more to get their approval.

" I... Just fine!!" Richard stuttered putting his head down. I could see his face turning red with embarrassment and thought it was cute. I walked over and pinched his check, accepting his compliment and he gave me a soft smile.

"Beautiful!" Nigel exclaimed, kissing the top of my hand.

"Thank you, gentleman!!" I responded, pleased with their answers.

"Good!! Now to business!" Michael said, turning me to face him. "The man you're going to talk to, his name is Martin. He's a black, successful club owner and that's where you're going to meet him. At the club. He's a big man and he'll try to sweet talk you. You're job is to walk out of there with either the full $250,500 or the title to his club. Got it?" He asked. I nodded my head as I took in all the info.

"Okay," he continued. "Now Richard and Nigel here is gonna go in with you and make sure nothing shady goes down. They're going to stay in the back and let you do all the talking, since this is your plan. The second Martin tries to so much as shake your hand, he's dead. Alright?"

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