See The Light

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It's so beautiful here. Everyone's happy, no cares in the world. I wish things were really this simple. I'm walking down the street and suddenly I run right into a man. He turns around and flashes a gorgeous smile. I know that warm welcoming smile anywhere.


"Babygirl!! It's been too long!!" He laughed, snatching me up in a tight hug.

We stood there for a while, tears filling my eyes.

"I missed you so much." I whispered, letting the tears fall.

He pulled me back and held me at arms length.

"I heard you've gotten yourself into quite the predicament." He said, titling his head to the side.

"Yeah, I guess I have." I hung my head in shame.

The life I was living isn't one I knew my grandfather would be proud of. He wanted better for me. It's what he worked his entire life for and here I am letting him down.

"Listen," He said, "You've been put in a situation that only you have control over. You can turn this into something good or you can turn it into something you'll regret for the rest of your life. You are at a crossroads and you need to make a decision, QUICK!!"

"I know, but I'm just- I feel.....stuck..." I began to cry again. "I don't known what to do anymore. I'm in love with a man who seems to have my best interests at heart but at the same time he hurts me in the worse ways."

"Sweet pea, if you're going to be with this man, you need to put your foot down. You need to demand the things you want from him. Otherwise, he'll continue to treat you the way he does. You love him and you've shown him you love him. He loves you, well it's time for him to prove it. If he doesn't then you know what to do from there."

Papa pulled me in for another hug and then I heard a baby cry. We both looked up from our embrace and saw a crib in the distance.

"Come on." He said, pulling me towards the bassinet.

As we got closer the crying stopped. I peeked into the bed and saw a newborn baby wrapped in a soft pink blanket. Her eyes were wide open and she was squirming around trying to get out the blanket. Papa reached down and picked her with. There was a huge smile spread across his face.

"She's the most beautiful little thing I've seen since you were born. She takes after you as a matter of fact." He smiled handing her to me. "Here, take her."

"Uhm.. she's so precious.." I breathed.

"Isn't she!"

"Who's baby is this??" I asked, concern rising in my voice as I noticed no one else was around to claim the child.

"She's yours, silly!!" Papa laughed.

"Wha-" I was shocked.

This baby was supposed to still be inside of me. I was nowhere near my due date. I had just barely found out the sex at my last appointment. How is she already laying here in my arms?

"I'm so sorry, sweet pea." He expressed, gently rubbing my arm. "She's with me now and I promise I'll take good care of her."

We stood there in silence and I admired my little bundle of joy. I can't believe Michael and I made this tiny little human. He would've fallen so in love with her.

"Its time to go." Papa said, bringing me out of my trance.

"Not yet.." I pleaded looking up to him.

He grabbed the baby and laid her back in her bed.

"You have to go back, my love. It's not your time to be here. It's time to go back and live your life." He explained, his eyes intent.

"But-" I began to beg.

"No, go!!!" He pressed. "You will be fine and I will be by your side through everything. You hear me?!"

"Yes, papa." I replied softly.

I hugged him once more, not wanting to let go.

"Go on now," he said, letting me go. "Don't forget what I said!!"

With a final goodbye, I turned and walked back into the street full of the same cheerful people i walked through when I had first ran into papa. I looked back and saw him holding my baby and smiling.

"Goodbye." I whispered.

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