Shapeshift Romance: Ch. 16: Cat Got Your Tongue?

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I groggily open my eyes. My head is pounding and my eyelids feel like fifty pound weights. The first thought in my head is:

'Run. Get out of here.'

My brain is on hyper-drive; I need to get out of here. I try to scream, but my throat feels like it is on fire.

I can tell that I am strapped to a chair in a dark room. I can hear muffled voices in a room next to me. An argument, sounds like.

A tiny, bright light flicks on, and I instantly shut my eyes. The pounding in my head grows worse, it feels like my head is splitting in two. I hiss in pain from the ache and the light. A dark chuckle makes me look up.

"How are you coping, wolf girl?"

I can tell it is the same girl who shifted into the tiger before I passed out.

Katt is her name, I think. The thought of remembering that moment puts my brain in searing pain. I whimper, wishing for the pain to go away.

"Not so well, I guess," I saw that she isn't wearing her hoodie, and her face is in the open, "I should have guessed that you wouldn't react as well as I thought you would. Shame. I wanted to have a little fun." That gosh awful smirk graces her blood-red lips.

I squirm in my chair when she says fun. I doubt what she wants to do with me is 'fun'.

"Grumpy Ol' Cal tells me not to do anything. But I can't help but to since it's been a while since I had nice prey to play with." She whispers the last part in my ear.

I don't know what came over me, but I snarl and try to bite her, as she is just inches away from my face.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Looks like the flea bitten dogs have rubbed off on you. Wish I could hang out, but my schedule keeps me busy, busy, busy. Bye-bye, Alice." As she slips out of the room, I hope someone here isn't totally crazy.

I thought about a few things while sitting: Nathan, Phil, my parents, Nathan, Abby, Phil, Nathan, the expected baby, the twins, Casey, and Nathan is a popular subject on my mind. I duck my head down and force myself not to cry.

Don't cry. Don't you dare cry. Oh, look, tears. Wonder how they got there.

The tears keep falling, and sobs rack my body.

Stop crying, you're not weak.

Caught up in my tears, I didn't see somebody come though the door. When they cough awkwardly, I quickly try to stop crying and quiet myself.

"Well, hello Cal. What a pleasant surprise." I say with sarcasm dripping off every word like water slipping off icicles.

His brown eyes widen at my anger. He looks like he didn't see me as mean or rude.

"What?" I snap, "You think I'm just going to sit here, helpless? No, sir. I'm going to be a problem, so deal with it!" I shout at him, getting to the point. I see him sigh, and he walks to me.

"Alice, look. I know we don't know each other very well, but I expect you to know what I am. A monster," He pauses to look at me and I see that he is blinking back tears, "I never chose this. My parents kind of forced it upon me. I didn't want this! Never! I saw how sad my dad looked sometimes and how my own mother wasn't around most of the time, fending off what other shifters are in the area. I hated it!" Cal starts pacing now and rubbing the back of his neck.

I want comfort him, but I am tied to a chair, so yeah.

"Cal, take deep breaths." I say, trying to calm him down a little.

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