Shapeshift Romance: Ch. 2: When Cheap Food Ruins Your Wedding

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Oh alarm clock, you ready for round two?


I cut it off by slamming my fist on the snooze button. Hey, at least I didn't smash it.

I check the unbroken clock to see I have an hour and a half to get ready. After hopping into the shower and putting my hair into a messy bun, I grab my favorite cardigan and some skinny jeans. My shoes slip onto my feet as I head downstairs.

I go to the kitchen, get an apple, and say goodbye to my parents. I drive to school and make it a few minutes before the bell.

I walk up to the building front and find Casey, Danny, Jackie, and Sandy all talking outside.

"Hey, Alice," Casey says. Everyone says their 'hello's and such.

"Hi," I reply before taking a seat next to Casey.

"Okay, so who watched Face Off last night? I can't believe they kicked Christina off! I thought she would last longer." Jackie gushes on about it.

"And I didn't think Evan deserved the win, his monster wasn't even that original compared to Kent's." Casey then Danny join into the conversation.

"I'm going to math. You can walk with me, if you want," Sandy offers kindly.

I nod and we make our way to math after I grab my books from my locker. A couple of students are there already when we enter and I sit next to Ethan again.

"Hi, Ethan," I say, pulling out my notes..

"Hey, how's it going?" he asks.

"Good, you?" I say.

"Better, now you're here." As he says it, he's looking right at me.

I blush and hope he doesn't see it. I turn my attention to Mr. Kole who just arrived and start taking some loose notes.

"Oh yes, right, right Ms. Walsh, correct again." Sandy has answered another question again with ease while I struggle with the equation.

Goodness, who invented math in the first place?

I didn't realize the bell rang until Ethan tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah, just a bit distracted. That's all."

"So, I was... um I was w-wondering if you wanted to sit with me at lunch.." he says, stuttering a little. It's actually kinda cute.

I smile, "Yeah, sure." He grins and his warm smile lights up his face.

I head out into the hall to meet up with Casey and go to history class.

"Ooh, he's so into you!" Casey squeals when I tell her about sitting with Ethan at lunch.

"We're just friends. He doesn't like me like that... Just stay quiet, okay?" I beg Casey so she doesn't start telling everyone about it.

"Fine, but you better tell me about it later, girly," Casey says sternly.

I roll my eyes and walk into the classroom. We sit in the same spot as yesterday.

Mrs Ember says we have a test on Monday, so it's recommended we study.

"On D-Day, shortened from Doomsday, was when US, Canadian, and French troops launched an attack on the beaches of Normandy..." I quickly follow Mrs Ember's lesson, shortening some words so I can keep up.

The bell rings. "And I want you to study for this test please. It'll help you greatly if you took the right notes. You may leave." Mrs Ember dismisses us to our next class.

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