Shapeshift Romance: Ch. 19: Am I Too Late?

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[writes beautiful and inspiring beginning author's note]


Nathan's P.O.V

I sit there on the cold floor watching my love and heart walk away from me. The two guards still have a rough grip on me.

"Let go of me," I say firmly.

"Why should I do that?" The one on the left of me laughs.

"Let go of me," I say again with a fierce tone in my voice.

"Hey, man, maybe we should just let the kid go."

"Nah, I like to see them squirm a bit."

"I said let go!" I yell menacingly. I hit the guy on the left with my elbow. He staggers back holding his nose in his hand. The other guy lets go of me in surprise.

"You little-!" The left one swings at me, and I duck quickly. I ram my fist in his lower stomach. He bends over in agony, and I slam my knee to his face. He fell down after that.

The second one is staring at me before he got into battle position. He roars and aims for my side. I quickly defend myself before he hits. When he strikes me, I kick him in the kneecap. He lands on the floor on one knee. I punch him then I kick him on the chest, pushing him onto the floor.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get my girl back." I wipe blood off my lip as I walk away.

"You heard the girl! She doesn't love you!" The first guard is laying on the ground with blood around his nose and lips. He coughs, "Don't even try."

My blood boils when he says that. I turn and give him my deadliest glare.

"I don't care if she doesn't love me. I still love her. I'll always protect her even she wants me gone." I turn around and jog through the hallways.

When I'm closer to where Alice walked away, I see the kid from before. I sprint to the door and the kid catches a glimpse of me.

"H-hey! You aren't allow-!" I cut him off by pressing my forearm against his throat.

"Where is she!" I shout, glaring at him. He tries to shrink away from my grip.

"Where is she!" I yell louder this time.

"I-I don't kn-!" I press harder with my arm, "Okay! Okay! She's through this door in the room on the right! I swear! Please!"

I release him after a couple of seconds. He takes a few deep breaths and coughs.

"What's a kid like you helping the tigers?" I ask curiously as I take a step back. He rubs his neck.

"I'm a shifter, too. They said I could get the help I need."

I shake my head. These tigers aren't going to help this kid out.

"Hate to break it to you, kid, but I don't think they're going to help you."

"Yes, they are, and stop calling me kid. I'm not that young."

"My name's Nathan. I'm a wolf shifter, so I guess we're enemies, aren't we?" I laugh awkwardly.

"Why would we be enemies?" Kid asks pulling his eyebrows together.

"Well, if you're a tiger shifter-" Kid stop me in the middle of my sentence.

"Oh, I'm not a tiger shifter, goodness no. I'm a leopard shifter. Name's Toby." Kid holds out his hand. I shake it quickly.

"Well, if you want to save her before the transformation, you better hurry. Here," Toby hands me a key card, "That'll get you through all the doors. I'll just say I lost mine again."

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