Shapeshift Romance: Ch. 15: Bloody Noses and Broken Hearts

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Okay, I was told by some critics *cough cough Little Miss ZELDAFREAK cough cough* that I should give the chapters a punny title or something so I hope it makes you* happy! (*ZELDAFREAK. O_O) Read and stuff now, my little duckies. Blah.


"Ouch... ouch... OUCH!" Nathan yells as I quietly pat his nose.

The blood is flowing faster now and I am freaking out. All I could say within me is: "Ew. Blood."

I have no knowledge in panic situations. I don't have experience with blood and broken limbs and stuff. I wish I was paying attention in health class!

Nathan has a weird look on his face. I can't tell what he is thinking. Either Nathan can control his expressions very well or I suck at reading faces.

"Will you be more careful, please?" Nathan asks sincerely.

I nod and quietly dab the dark scarlet liquid flowing from his nose. After a few minutes of silence, I finally broke it:

"I think it's stopping now..."

"Are you sure?" he questions.

So he didn't believe me?


"I'm pretty sure, Nate."

He sighs, "Okay." The light hit him perfectly; he looks like a angel. Whoa.

I don't really remember what happened next. Something, something, come over me like a... need.

I lean in to close the already small distance between us.

The fireworks I only felt while kissing him wash over me like an ocean. The fireworks flare to live. Brilliant colors burst into numerous, different shapes.

How could he have not been affected by that kiss? This is what cliche authors love to write about! Chemistry.

Nathan pulls back and gently pushes me back. He has a mask of pure shock across his face. I almost giggle with giddiness, but I knew that wouldn't be funny.

For a split second, I thought he was going to kiss me again and I was tempted to lean in first again.

Instead, he gets up and leaves.

But all he says to me before walking away from me was:

"Never do that again, please," He pauses for a second before muttering the end, "Anna."

Alice's P.O.V

Months pass. Summer comes along and Nathan and I are unbreakable. We hang out almost everyday. When I wake up, this morning I get a sweet surprise:

I stretch and change into normal clothes. I brush my hair, so I look more human. While walking down the stairs, I don't hear the usual morning chatter.

Where is everyone?

I look out of the window and see Dad's car is gone. I check my parents room.


The boys' room.


When I walk back to kitchen, I see the note attached to the fridge:

Went to Mom's appointment and didn't want to wake you up.

Might be back around lunchtime, depends on how long it takes

....and yes, Nathan can come over. :)

Love, Mom, Dad & the boys.

P.S. Hi! (Chris was here!)

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