Shapeshift Romance: Bonus Filler Fluff No. 3

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*gasp* i'm writing more fluff.

IMPORTANT: You can suggest things I write about in these! If you wanted, let's say, Nathan and Alice go to beach, then you can put in the comments that is what you want! These are not connected to the main story at all. I would love to have my followers suggesting ideas for me to write! So please tell me your ideas! I love feedback!!



2. Don't spam me with messages and comments if your idea isn't

written for a couple of days. I kindly ask you to be patient with me.

3. Please respect others in the comments. I would hate to bring

this project down because people can't be a little bit nice to each other.

Today's prompt is Papa Harris walks in on Nathalice prompted by myself (with some help of OhNoezKittyoez).

Let's start!


My back was pressed against the hallway wall while my breathing was heavy. We were all alone in my house.

Nathan had his arms tightly around my waist, and I had my arms locked securely around his neck. We kissed feverishly for a while in the hallway before I suggested we go somewhere else. He nodded eagerly.

I lead him to my room and when we were close enough, he pinned me to the bed.

"God, I've missed you so much." Nathan says while kissing down my neck. I had recently gone on a trip with Casey for a week and I only got back yesterday.

"I missed you too. There were no guys there to look at that are as good looking as you." I breathed out.

"That's what I like to hear." He smirks before attaching his lips to mine again. I ran my fingers through his hair, loving the feel of it. When we came up for air, I tug on the hem of his t-shirt. He raises his eyebrows then quickly pulls his shirt off.

Ladies, let me tell you something. You haven't experienced life until you see Nathan Drone with his shirt off. It's a heavenly sight, I'll tell you that much.

"Like what you see?" He says posing ridiculously.

"Oh yes, I really like what I see." I say biting my lip. Nathan smiles before rolling us over so I was on top. He put his hands on my waist, raising his eyebrows at me. I laugh before pulling my shirt off, too (don't worry, children, I still have my tank top on). He smiles at the sight of me.

I lean down kissing him again. He takes my bottom lip and bites gently. I pull him closer to me. He flips us again so he's back on top. He kisses down my neck once more.

"We're home! Hi- OH MY GOD."

I sit up quickly and push Nathan off me, who unfortunately landed on the floor.

"Oh, hi, Chris." I wave lamely at my brother. My younger brother. Who just saw his older sister and her boyfriend making out.

"OH MY GOD. DAD DAD DAD DAD, MY EYES HURT. IT BURNS." Chris covers his eyes with his hand screaming bloody murder.

"Chris, shut up!" I yell at him.

And of course, my dad had to enter the room at that moment.

"What the heck is going on in here?" He turns silently as he looks at all of us.

His youngest son screaming like a little girl.

His beloved daughter who's eyes were wider than plates with red marks on her neck.

And, last but least, his daughter's boyfriend who was sitting on the floor without a shirt on.

Dad sighs deeply, putting a hand to his forehead.

"Nathan, son, please do us a favor and put your shirt on." Nathan nods and blushes while he searches for his shirt. I also grab my discarded shirt and pull that on.

"Chris, go to Mom, okay?" Chris gladly runs out of there leaving me behind.

"Now, kids, I know you have," he pauses for a second before continuing, "urges. But just because you have urges, doesn't mean you have to have sex-"

I cut him off right there. "Whoa, no no no. I'm not ready for... that just yet. And I know Nathan would never push me into something I don't wanna do."

"That's right, sir," Nathan steps forward towards Dad, "I will never pressure Alice to do anything she doesn't want to do." He turns and smiles at me. I hold his hand and smile back.

"Okay, so I don't have to do a whole sex talk right now?" Dad asks nervously. We both shake our heads. Dad breathes a sigh of relief. He smiles at us before walking back downstairs.

"That was so embarrassing!" I punch Nathan on the arm. He starts laughing at what just happening and soon I'm laughing along with him.

"Make sure you use protection!"



I wrote this in apology of kind of being a dick in the last

chapter. So, please vote, comment about how great Nathan

looks without a shirt, drink some coffee, or follow me if you

haven't already.

I need some coffee.

This has been Brooke attempting to write.

I ship Nathalice so much~


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