Shapeshift Romance: Bonus Filler Fluff No. 1

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Okay so, a close friend of mine (maybe too close), said, well, more like demanded she needs Nathalice fluff or she'll combust in flames. For those who don't know, Nathalice is Nathan and Alice together as a couple. So, I think I'll be fun to write this cute little Nathan x Alice stories.

IMPORTANT: You can suggest things I write about in these! If you wanted, let's say, Nathan and Alice go to beach, then you can put in the comments that is what you want! These are not connected to the main story at all. I would love to have my followers suggesting ideas for me to write! So please tell me your ideas! I love feedback!



Now the first prompt for today is.... Nathan and Alice attempt to bake together suggested by: OhNoezKittyoez aka my friend who'll combust in flames (she's going to make me write a lot about these two oh god).


Alice's P.O.V

So, this whole thing started at about 2 in the afternoon after Nathan demanded he wanted to make sugar cookies. After I asked him why, he said he wanted to know how to make them for the future.

What's wrong with this boy?

Of course I said yes, who would pass up a baking experience with their adorable yet hot boyfriend?

Now let's watch where this goes from here:

"Okay, so first we need apron's. They'll be in the closet by the fridge. Mine's the Totoro one, you can get whatever one you want." I turned towards the cupboards and grabbed the flour, baking soda and powder, white sugar, and the vanilla extract.

After all the ingredients from the cupboards were on the counter, I grabbed my apron from Nathan.

"Could you please grab a stick of butter and an egg from the fridge please, Nate?" I asked while I preheated the oven to 375 degrees.

"Sure thing, babe." I grinned. I always get butterflies when he says that. I heard the fridge door open and closed after Nathan got the two ingredients.

"I've got the butter! And an egg! ...what do I do with them?" Nathan asked curiously.

"Put them by the other ingredients. Gently with the egg." I warned him. Times too often I'd accidently drop or crush an egg.

"Okay, so I need a small bowl. Small bowl, small bowl..." I muttered to myself.

"Bowls? I can do that! Leave it to me!" Nathan looked in every cupboard trying to find a bowl. I shook my head. He's just too excitable.

"Wait," I looked at him closely, "turn around." I commanded him.

"Okay..?" When he was facing me, I started laughing so hard, tears were almost running down my face.

"Oh, do you mean this?" He started to model for me. That only made the laughter grow louder.

He's wearing Dad's old apron. His old KISS THE COOK apron.

"Shouldn't you be following the rules?" Nathan asked sternly. I slowly stopped laughing and I wiped my tears.

"Huh? What do you-"

oh. I get it.

"Well, aren't I technically the cook here, Mister? You're just my pretty assistant." I teased him and smiled when he pulled his thinking face.

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