Shapeshift Romance: Ch. 17: Old And New Friends Alike

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[enter witty beginning author's note here]


Nathan's P.O.V

The filtered sunlight from my window hits me right in eyes when I wake up. I feel better rested than I have in a while. Maybe the reason why is because I have the most fantastic girl ever wrapped up in my arms.

I don't remember falling asleep in my bed, but, hey, I'm not complaining. Alice, breathing softly, is snuggling in my arms like a cute little bunny (don't tell her I said that).

I look over to my nightstand to check the time. I turn back to Alice, who's still peacefully sleeping. I gently stroke her hair.

I never want to lose her again. I'll never let those selfish tigers have my mate. I love her too much to let her go. I shake my head slightly. No need for this sappy talk.

I slowly slip out bed, carefully trying not to wake up Alice. I randomly grab some clothes and change in my bathroom. When I walk back into my room, I see Alice sitting up and stretching slightly.

"Morning!" She chirps happily, smiling at me. I can't help but to smile back.

"Good morning." I walk over to her and hug her tightly, sighing. She hugs back just as tight.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask when I let go. She nods excitedly.

"Very, very well," She smiles warmly at me again, "What about you?" She asks me while getting out of bed and looking for her clothes.

"Better than ever."

"Because we cuddled for ever and ever?" She asks laughing this time.

"Wait- what?" I say in confusion.

"Do you remember last night when I came downstairs to ask you if you wanted to come upstairs with me?" I shake my head.

"Well, you asked if we could cuddle for ever and ever and some other adorable stuff. It was the funniest thing ever, my goodness. Oh! Man, I should've recorded it." She's laughing even more by now.

I roll my eyes at her, "Whatever, goofball. I told your parents we'd be over there by two o'clock, so get beautified!"

"Alrighty, Cap'n!" She salutes me with a tough look on her face. She proceeds to army march to the bathroom. I laugh quietly at her.

When did I get so lucky?


"I'm just saying, if Batman wanted to kick Superman's butt, he would've done already."

"Excuse me, Superman wouldn't lose to a rich boy with a lot of gadgets. "

"You're taking about Iron Man, right?"

"What? No! Shut up, Gabe."

Cole and I are having a argument about who would win in a fight, Superman or Batman (the answer is obviously Batman). Gabe and Alice are watching us with amusement.

"What about Spider-Man?" Alice speaks up from where she is sitting.

"No." All three of us say in perfect unison. Alice pouts.

"What's wrong with Spider-Man?" She asks curiously.

"One: He's only a high schooler." Gabe holds up one finger as he speaks.

"Two:" Cole has two fingers up, "He's prone to mutation because of the spider bite."

I finish off with three fingers in the air, "And three: He's not as well trained or as a good fighter as Batman."

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