Meeting and Understanding

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Your soulmate is not someone who comes into your life peacefully.
It is someone who comes to make you question things,
Who changes your reality.
Somebody that marks a before and after in your life.
It is not the human being everyone has idealized, but an ordinary person, who manages to revolutionize your whole world in a second.

I stayed outside for a while just listening and from what I could tell I really should have listened to Max. Klaus wasn't acting like my brothers when they found their mates, he was acting like he pain...

He finally decided he couldn't stay inside, he needed to go out and look for me, his family followed along behind him. It was a few hours later and I had finally decided to push myself to meet him when they get back, when I saw a man sneaking through the back yard with a blonde girl.

"We wait for them to open the door, they won't expect a thing, and when we stake Klaus the others will be too distracted by him to chase us. We finally have the white oak stake, we're going to put it to good use Caroline."

"Yes, but aren't there better ways to do this Damon?" He shrugged as they got in. I didn't know what to do as they walked into the house the car pulled up out front. I took off quickly, landing on the front of the car with a bang, causing everyone to scream.

"Oh, thank god, Elijah, call it all off, tell everyone we found her." Klaus said, jumping from the car.  "Come on down Love, come here.  It's okay, you're safe, I promise you."  He took my waist and lowered me to the ground, beginning to inspect me as I did him.  Everyone else was walking toward the house as I felt myself pulling tightly into Klaus' arms, making me almost forget why I scared them half to death.

"Damon and Caroline are in there, they're going to kill you." I whispered to him and he looked at me suddenly.

"Elijah!" He shouted causing his brother to freeze. Klaus shoved me toward Rebekah before walking to the door and pushing it open, standing back as Damon lunged and missed Klaus by a few inches. Klaus and Elijah grabbed him quickly, and I jumped, catching the stake as it flew from his hands, holding it tightly to my chest.

Caroline shoved Klaus away and grabbed Damon, taking off with Elijah, Kol and Rebekah behind them. I ran to Klaus who was just sitting up and froze upon looking at me. I tossed the stake to the side when I realized he was looking at it and threw my arms around his neck.

"Hello love. I'm alright, I promise. Are you?" I nodded and he smiled, helping me up. I stopped short as he was walking inside and he turned to see me. "No human owns this house, you don't need permission love."

"Doesn't matter, I need permission from whoever owns it, human or not."

"You're an off breed then...a night walker?" I nodded and he sighed. "Come on in love, there's a lot we need to talk about." I followed him inside and he led me up to his room and into the bathroom. "Do you have clean clothes in your bag?"

"I feel like your definition of clean is different than mine, so no." He chuckled slightly and turned on the shower.

"I'll leave some of Rebekah's clothes on the counter, you shower, take your time." I turned, seeing myself in the mirror and cringing. I looked terrible. Good thing about a cave is you don't have to see yourself, you don't care what you look like. I quickly washed my body and hair, watching the caked on dirt go down the drain, and stepped out, drying and pulling on the pair of pajamas that were left in the bathroom. As I opened the door I found Klaus lounging on his bed with my bag in front of him. "I didn't think you would mind, I was going to wash your clothes for you, but we may as well just go shopping and get you new stuff. Can I ask why you have so much cash in your bag?"

"How else am I supposed to buy things? I get new clothes every now and again, I get human food sometimes, and ive been renting hotel rooms. Sleeping in a bed again is surprisingly nice. As is your shower." He looked at me stunned.

"You don't normally sleep in a bed?" I shook my head. "Where are you from love? Who changed you?"

"David. My brother. Well, my real brother is Paul, and we ran away from home cause my dad was abusing me, Paul met Marko who was his mate, and said he would only join their pack if I could stay. David insisted I was turned that night so that I couldn't tell their secret. That was 32 years ago, They're all my brothers now. Paul, Marko, David and Dwayne. But David met Michael and Dwayne met Sam, and they were all really happy and I wanted that too but David wouldn't let me out to even try and find my mate, so I met a witch, who gave me this ring, and I ran away. That was about a week ago." His jaw was practically on the floor.

"Where did you live before?"

"A cave in Santa Carla California, my family is the reason it's called the murder capital of the world. There was no washing machine, we just wear what we wear, until David's creator Max met his mate Lucy who washes our stuff sometimes. They live in a house, but we can't stay there cause we're too rowdy." I chuckled and Klaus smiled at me.

"Well, there's a perfectly good washing machine here, and a shower to use whenever you want okay?" I nodded. "You have a bed right here." He stated, grabbing my arms and pulling me onto his bed. "Nice and comfortable, and I will buy you as many clothes as you want." I grinned, pushing him backwards on the bed and straddling him quickly. "Woah love, slow down, we just met, I want you to be comfortable first."

" don't...want me...?" He looked stunned as I felt tears come to my eyes and I sat against the head board.

"Hey, calm down, of course I do love and I know that off breeds mate right away to keep others from stealing their mates but I swear, no one will touch you while I'm around! I just don't want to rush you. I don't even know your name yet." He chuckled, making me smile. "There's that beautiful smile."

"I'm Rian.  I'm sorry about running before by the way, I just kind of freaked out. I mean I was looking for my mate but I didn't expect to find him the first week. God I so owe Zoey."

"Who?" He questioned and I suddenly remembered what she said.

"Zoey was the witch who made my ring. She told me to follow my heart and it would lead me to you, also to tell you her debt to you was paid."

"Noted. I'll have to thank her soon. Now, come down stairs, I have my witch working on something for you."

"For me?" I grinned as he led me down stairs.

"Yes love. It's a spell to age you a little. I don't think you want to continue to be 14 forever do you?"

" can do that?" He nodded and I jumped into his arms, kissing him harshly, and he kissed back, holding me to his chest. "I thought I would be like this forever."

"I'll always take care of you love. I promise."

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