Confessions and Family

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No family is perfect...we argue, we fight.
We even stop talking to each other at times, but in the end,
Family is family.
The love will always be there.

"What do you want Paul?" I asked as Klaus pulled me into his arms, ready to attack him.

"You left. I woke up and you were gone Rian, do you have any idea how scared I was? I thought you walked into the sun!" He shouted angrily.

"Check your tone boy, no one speaks to my mate like that." Klaus growled and I put a hand on his chest to stop him from moving as the others walked up.

"This is my sister, so kindly and respectfully fuck off! I thought you were dead! We all did! We mourned you!"

"I don't know what you want me to say here! I told you what I wanted and you all dismissed it! You all have your mates, you are all happy, well I wanted to be happy too! But no, no, why does she need that? You all saw me as a little 14 year old kid, and do you know why that is? Huh? 'Cause you let that dick turn me when I was still a kid! Do you know what it's like to live in a body that changed in the middle of puberty, for 30 years?! You were supposed to protect me, and take care of me, you promised, but you met Marko and that all went out the window."

They all looked at me stunned. "You love Marko!"

"Yes, I love Marko, and Dwayne like they're my brothers, and though I hate myself for this I even love David, but that's not the point! You stopped caring about me a long time ago, so did Marko and Dwayne, it hurt! I just wanted you all to act like brothers! Like family, but you pretended I wasn't there half the time. So I left, I found my mate, and I have a new family. A sister, and 2 big brothers who would never give up on me, who would never forget about me! Klaus gave me the family I always wanted us to be, the family I deluded myself into thinking we were, but that's not what we are Paul, we're pack, and nothing more. We may all share blood, and you may have been born my brother, but I've learned that doesn't make us all family. You gave up a long time ago, and it's not my fault that when you come to your senses and want the same thing I do I've already given up." They all stared at me shocked. They probably had never heard me say that much at once before.

"How could you think I don't love you?" I heard a voice from behind Paul question. "I don't care if you're Paul's sister, if I didn't want you in my pack you wouldn't have been in it. Who do you think brought you food every night you didn't go out with us? You think it was one of these guys? I let you ride with me, hell, I've let you drive my bike. You hung next to me every day we went to sleep. You're my sister. I ain't good at all this feelings bull shit but, I love you kid, I always have." I couldn't stop the tears cascading down my face after hearing David's words. I've never heard him say anything like that to anyone...not even Michael. I pulled myself out of Klaus' grip and lunged into David's arms, feeling him lift me off the ground and hug me tightly to his chest.

"I never knew you cared that much. Couldn't you have said it? Just once to let me know you cared about me as much as I did for you?"

"I'm sorry, it's late, but now I've said it, and I'm never saying it again, so don't forget it." I pulled back a little looking into his face.

"Can you say it one more time? I want to record it, for later play back...just in case I forget." He smirked his typical dangerous smirk.

"No." I chuckled slightly, kissing his cheek and pulling away from him.

"And I thought my family was screwed up." Klaus laughed to himself but we all heard it, causing us to smile as I was pulled into a tight embrace by Marko and Dwayne.

"Don't you ever think we don't care about you! We don't relate to you well, we ain't never had sisters before, but we love you kiddo." Dwayne stated, kissing my head.

"Yeah, you're our little sister...even if you ain't so little anymore." Marko chuckled gesturing to my body making Klaus growl. "Sister. Get it?" Klaus continued to glare before snarling and jumping at Marko, which turned into a play fight of some kind, maybe some male dominance thing, I don't know, all I know is, I could get used to this in my life.

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