Always and Forever

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Don't rush into love
Even in fairytales, the happy ending
Takes place on the last page

"Why don't you hang out with us for the night, before you go home." Paul proposed and I grinned, looking at Klaus questioningly.

"Why not, we don't have to be home for a while."

"You're riding with Marko then." I insisted, running to his bike, making him laugh.

"Fine. Just this once." He tossed me the key before jumping on behind his mate and nuzzling his back.

"Come on babe." I tried to persuade my mate.

"I really hate these things." He grumbled as he held onto me making my brothers laugh. "Imagine never having been on a motorcycle before and your first ride being with her." Their eyes all went wide. "Exactly. It's horrible."

"HEY! I'm sitting right here!" I complained and he nipped my shoulder through my shirt. David took off first and we all followed behind, and taking off down the stairs. "Hold on baby!" He groaned, wrapping his arms around me tighter before I gunned it, catching up with Marko and Paul. I shouted and hollered along with them, smacking at each other as we got too close. "Come On Dwayne! You Can Do Better Than That!" I yelled as he caught up to me as we got to the entrance under the boardwalk. "Sorry baby!"

"For what?" I swerved under the dock, making sharp turns, kicking my feet out to slide on the sand and going even faster. "This Is Insane!" He yelled and I grinned, getting to the woods and lifting into the air as we went over a hill.

"Almost there." He growled in my ear as he heard my smirk.

"How was it riding with the boys again?" David asked as we all pulled over.

"I can honestly say I missed it...a little." He smirked, lifting me into the air and carrying me down the steps, making me yell.

"You like it?" David questioned Klaus as he sat on the couch.

"We are just drastically different people. I got used to the finer things in life after my change. I've been alive for 1000 years, grew up in a 2 room house with a dirt floor and 5 siblings all in the same space. I could never do this again." He admitted and they understood. Their life wasn't for everyone.

"So how are you doing, living in a mansion I presume?" Marko joked.

"Yes." His face was stunned at my honesty. "It's nice. A shower 24-7, washing machine. Endless supply of clothes that Klaus' sister never stops taking me shopping for." They were staring at me like I was a mutant. "4 course meals, a butler, a maid that bathes me in money every night." I couldn't hold the laughter in at their faces anymore and got a chuckle from Klaus too as they realized I was joking.

"I was going to say, I want a money bath." Paul complained looking at Marko who shook his head. I sat down on Klaus' lap and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Can I actually have a money bath?" I questioned and he smiled.

"I'll get right on that love." I saw Marko pull away from Paul who moved to sit on the fountain, seeing Sam and Mike together away from their mates, this not being a time that the boys wanted or needed a mate holding onto them.

I felt like I was being a nuisance to Nik with how close I was but my instincts were going crazy. I was in a place I hadn't been in for a long time, my mate for the first time, I felt uncomfortable but I still didn't want to bother him.

"Marko, food!" David demanded and Marko jumped up. I slid off of my mates lap and sat beside him, feeling a little better about how I looked, though now I was even more uncomfortable.

We sat and talked and ate for a long while, Nik seeming to like my brothers very much, bonding with David quite a bit. I knew he noticed the moment I began to get fidgety, he took my twitching fingers in his and wrapped his other arm around my shoulders, kissing the side of my head.

"Sun should be up any minute, we should get going love." I nodded, standing and hugging Paul tightly before Marko, Dwayne and even David.

"Come back and see us soon kid."

"Promise. Bye boys." We left just as the sun began coming through the cave and everyone escaped to the back room.

"I actually found myself enjoying my time with them. Surprising. By the way, if you're uncomfortable, hold onto me. I don't care about what anyone else has to say love, I will never treat you poorly to make you submissive and dependent, I love you and I always will, I will also always love you holding onto me. It lets me know you need me baby."

"I'm sorry. I never know what to do around them when they're like that, they always made me fearful of having a mate who treated me, maybe even worse than they do half the time...I never expected to be with a guy who cared about his mates feelings." He chuckled, knowing exactly how few vampires there are in the world like him.

"Well, you got me, screw everyone else. Now, hold onto me while I run us back to the hotel, we have a plane to catch, and you know how upset Rebekah will be if we arrive home late."

"Maybe when we come back we can bring her along, I'm sure she would love staying in a cave." He snorted and I couldn't hold in my own giggle. "One big happy family, right?"

"Always and Forever, my love."

I would like to thank everyone who read and enjoyed this story, leave a comment and let me know how you enjoyed the final chapter!

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