Frogs and Brothers

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Be grateful when your older brothers growl at you.
And when they tell you what to do and what not to do.
Because they are just trying to fulfill their duty of protecting you.

We had been here for a few days already and stuck mostly to going out during the day but even I had to admit it was getting boring. The nightlife is what's great about this place. We had decided to just stay out all night on the boardwalk, since we were planning on leaving in a few days. "Well you're right love. The nightlife here is amazing. I still don't understand fully how much you love it, I couldn't do this every night, but it is fun." We walked around like every shop until we came to a comic shop. "Kol was looking for a few things, I want to see if I can find any in here, okay?" I nodded.

"Okay, just make it fast." I said eying the garlic hanging everywhere. He walked around the store quickly, finding a few of the books Kol had wanted before going and paying.

"You new here?"

"Just a pit stop really." Klaus explained.

"Well I'd get going, before you get hurt. Santa Carla ain't the safest place around. It's a haven for the undead." That made Klaus laugh out loud, but I didn't find it very funny.

"Really, and how do you know that?"

"You haven't seen the missing posters hanging...everywhere! Protect yourselves." The one in the bandana said, shoving a cross at Klaus.

"Yeah, like this is going to do anything, are you going to tell me you're vampire hunters as well?" I flinched back from the cross as Klaus slammed it on the table.

"Klaus, leave it. Let's just go." I begged, pulling him from the counter before I heard the kid speak again.

"Hey, catch." I turned, grabbing the object that was flying at me before realizing he had thrown his cross. I dropped it, holding my burning hand as tears began forming.

"You'll pay for that." Klaus growled, grabbing them by the necks and dragging them to the back room. They hit him with more crosses, sprayed holy water, but nothing worked and that was when they realized they were in trouble.

"Are you a werewolf?" The other brother asked.

"A werewolf and a vampire together, never thought I'd see the day."

"And it's the last thing you'll see." I snarled, biting into the first ones throat harshly, draining him, before doing the same to the second one. I then tore their bodies apart, making it look like a real murder scene, turning back to Klaus, who gave me his jacket to cover the blood on my shirt.

"Come on then love, I still need a meal."

"To the beach then my love, always a few stray partiers down there. Just another reason to love Santa Carla." We walked down the beach for a while, just talking and watching the ocean before hearing shouts from behind a large sand dune. We climbed up slowly, looking down and seeing my brothers mid feast.

"More vampires." Klaus realized and just as I was about to speak I saw a girl crawling up the sand, seemingly going unnoticed by my brothers, before getting up and making a run for it.

"They didn't see her. She's going back to the boardwalk, Klaus!" I hissed. He took off, draining the girl in record time before tossing her body down toward the fire, getting the guys attention.

"You should pay more attention kids, I won't be cleaning up your mess again." Klaus growled before sliding back down the sand toward me.

"Now you've done it." I snarled and he looked at me shocked before realization came to his face.

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