A Fan Girl's Ode

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I watch you through a computer screen

Just wondering what could be

I want to know a few things about you

And maybe tell you a few about me?

I want to know your favorite books

The ones that make you cry

I want to know the songs that changed your life

Because they might save mine

I want to see the light in your eyes when you’re feeling down

Because the hope you have makes you feel safe and sound

I hate to seem strange

And a little deranged

But when I see you my entire day is changed

And is it too much to ask

To hear about your past?

I’d love to hear about the days when you were young;

To hear the songs that had been sung

All of this, I’m sure, is just the usual

Many of these girls and young women so beautiful

Making it easier and easier to ignore someone like me;

Just a common eye sore

But I won’t let that get in my way

For my heart will never stray

Because I have hope that someday we will meet

And I’ll feel like I’ve received a sweet, sweet treat

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