Mr. Nestor (a short Ethan blurb thingy)

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Imagine it's your first day back at school for the new year...

Imagine dragging your feet to get to your first period class because it's too early in the morning for you to even consider breathing...

Imagine walking into Media II thinking it's going to be a typical first-day-of-school class where you just fill out essays about what you did that summer...

Imagine immediately backing out and walking back in a few times, trying your best to process who you just saw in the classroom, talking to one of your classmates...

Imagine the teacher who was supposed to replace mean ol' Ms. Wright was Ethan Mark Nestor...

I dunno... Just thought this could be a fun idea to play with, I guess. Anywho, see ya when I post next or something.

OH. OHOHOHOHOH. One laaaast thing I just thought of:

Imagine Ethan following his students on, like, Twitter and such, and calling them out when they're online and Tweeting about the latest school drama (or some shaz like that) because they should be doing homework...

And you can't forget how hard it would be to start calling him Mr. Nestor because Ethan is just... Ethan and it's hard to take him seriously 97% of the time.

Okay, I'm done now. I promise.

Let me know if you want to see a little more on this—maybe short imagines about assignments he gives and stuff. Who knows? You do! Haaaaaaaaa. I'm not funny, I know.

I lied. I'm not done. WHOOPS. I really just need to making this a full thing, honestly, but I'm being lazy. Anyway, another thought: Think about how much his students would freak out over his covers and beg him to bring his uke to school nearly every day, and he finally gives in, but doesn't tell them and just kind of surprises them with a free day where they could work on homework or play on their phones or whatever, and then BAM. He pulls out the ukulele as most kids are pulling out textbooks and phones and is just like "You guys don't mind if I practice a little bit, do you?" And everyone is just kind of freaking out and being dramatic-today-teenagers. "Mr. Nestor, how could you!" "I'm never trusting you again!" So pretty much Total-F*cking-Chaos class until he just starts playing and then everyone shuts up and listens to his beautiful voice and I know this is a terrible run-on sentence, but oh my God I just can't stop typing. I'm probably not done, so I'm just going to leave this here for now until some new stupid idea pops in my head or something. 'Kay. Bye.

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