Death by Dogs (Ethan x Reader)

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You were terrified. Truly scared for your life. And you were sure to voice those concerns to the evil man who blind-folded, claiming he had a "surprise" as he barbarically shoved you into his car.

"Am I going to die?" you muse, turning your head toward your boyfriend, Ethan, despite the fact that you still couldn't see a thing.

"Y/N, will you stop being over dramatic? I told you, I have a surprise for you, and, as long as you don't keep saying that I'm going to murder you, I won't. Sound fair?" Ethan sighs heavily at your many accusations that may or may not have been exaggerated slightly. Okay... Very exaggerated. It's not your fault; he knows how much you dislike being out of the loop. He's made it clear that your friends are aware of what's happening, too, which frustrates you even more.

You aren't driving for much more than twenty minutes before he parks at a currently unknown place. You feel the engine shut off and hear him open and close his door and walk around to your side to help you out. Ethan leads you inside of a loud building that smells... Strange, to say the very least.

The longer you walk, the more you get used to the noise and odor. Then, you hear a door click behind you, as well as a quiet yip from the opposite side of the room that sounded suspiciously like a puppy.

You have no patience left at this point and, despite the many objections from your boyfriend, you yank the blindfold off of your head to reveal an entire room filled with dogs and puppies alike, of all shapes, sizes, and breeds.

You let out a joy-filled squeal, scaring a couple of the pups and exciting some others, and turn around to peck the one and only Eepers (I completely stole that from Mika) on the lips, thanking him for the amazing surprise.

Then you die from the cuteness of the doggos. You're just dead. Absolutely. No life whatsoever. Except for when you're telling each and every one of them how good of a boy/girl they are. But that's different. Definitely.

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