Album Anecdotes?

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Posted this on Tumblr a minute ago, so the same applies to everyone on here (just message me any ideas you come up with)! :)

So. This is going to sound like a kinda strange idea (or maybe it won't—I have no friggin' clue), but I'm always on the look out for new music to listen to and things to write about, so I had a thought: You guys send in album and/or song suggestions, and I'd write lil mini series things on them.

It can be an EP, album, or a single from anyone you want (this includes classical/instrumental stuff, as well), and it can be written as an imagine-type situation for someone (see options in list below), a fan fiction with someone (list), or I can come up with original characters. So, for example, say you chose Youngblood by 5SOS—I would write a short story for all of the songs on the album (i.e. Ghost of You, Valentine, More, etc.), and they would all be connected to some kind of plot line.

Obviously, if it's something I haven't heard before, it'll take a while to get posted, just so I can get a feel for the songs and figure out what fits best with them, writing wise. So, if it's taking me a while to respond, don't think it's because I don't like the idea or am ignoring it. If there's one I don't think I'll be able to do, I'll make sure to let you know!

Anyway, I'mma end this here for now and hope that at least someone sees it.

List of humans I write for:

Ethan Nestor/Crankgameplays

Mark Fishbach/Markiplier

Tyler Scheid

Calum Hood

Ashton Irwin

Luke Hemmings

Michael Clifford

Tom Holland

Dan Howell

Phil Lester

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