Christmas Kisses (Ethan x Reader Imagine)

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It was Christmas Eve and your boyfriend, Ethan, had just fallen asleep on the other side of the couch after your mini Christmas movie marathon to get yourselves in the mood for the "big day" (as Ethan so often calls it) tomorrow. Of course, he'd been ready since midnight of the day after Thanksgiving, insisting that you put up the tree and start shopping for gifts.

Sadly, this year the two of you were unable to afford the flight to Maine with the tour coming up so soon, so it was just the two of you in his apartment, as it would be for nearly the entire Christmas season. It seemed, though, that the thing he was most upset about was that he wouldn't be able to see his dogs, Dexter and Max like he got to every year; he could video chat, call, and text his parents anytime, so the two black pups were the closest he could get to having a dog of his own. Until now, at least.

Ethan was always afraid that if he got a dog, he just wouldn't have enough time to take care of it with the way his channel has recently been blowing up; tour, conventions, holidays... It all just seemed to get in the way of him having a pet. So, as his Christmas gift, you decided to change that.

You'd talked to Amy and Kathryn the week before about the idea of adopting a dog, but how you were worried that you wouldn't have anywhere it hide it from Ethan. They then proposed the idea that you kept the dog at their apartment with Marzipan since you'd be over there feeding her for them anyway since they'd be away visiting family. So, for the past couple of days, without Ethan's knowledge, you've been harboring a two year old German Shepard in the small studio apartment afraid that there would be one time where he insisted on going with, spoiling the surprise. Luckily, it hadn't happened yet and you were now sneaking out in order to go retrieve Belle, as you had named her while at the shelter.

After pulling the door closed as softly as possible, you race down the steps of the apartment complex and to the car. You glance at the clock on the radio as soon as you're in, knowing that you had a limited amount of time before he would wake up. You felt like you were in Fast and Furious... Except, you were going the speed limit. And, it wasn't a life or death situation... Or was it?! No. It wasn't.

You finally reach the parking lot that contained Amy and Kathryn's living space. Rushing to the door, you swing open screen door and unlock the door door. There, already waiting for you, was Belle. Quickly, you locate Marzi's food and fill her food bowl to last her for the rest of the night. Then, you pull the leash from your hoodie pocket and latch it onto Belle's collar. Minutes later, you're going back the way you came and sneaking back inside.

You coax Belle into the living room with a slice of ham you snagged from Amy's kitchen before you left. Sitting her directly in front of Ethan's face, you then run into the bedroom and call for him as loudly as you can in hopes to wake him up.

You hear rustling come from two rooms away and then a scream. Finally, you hear his soft apology for scaring the large puppo, and that's when you take your chance to reenter stage left. Plopping down on the couch, you look over to find that he's too enthralled with Belle to notice you're there, so you poke him in the shoulder, making him jump, funnily enough.

"Fuck, Y/N," he sighs, "Don't scare me like that! Also, maybe I'm just, like, going crazy or something, but... Why is there a dog staring at me right now?"

"What dog?" you tilt your head in confusion, hoping to mess with him a little bit.

"What dog? The dog right in front of you, Y/N." He scoots closer to you in a slow, menacing way, but before you have a chance to react, he launches his body on top of yours and starts tickling you. Shouting over your uncontrollable laughter, you hear Ethan saying something along the lines of, "I'm not going to stop until you until tell me the dog is real!"

Okay... You were wrong; you were very, very wrong! This was a life or death situation. You wriggle around in his grip knowing it would do nothing, but thought it was worth a shot to try anyway.

"I give!" you yell, still giggling like crazy, "Belle is real!"

Ethan stops almost immediately. "Belle?"

You sit up from your previous ball-like position with a grin, "Belle. You know, your new dog?"

His entire face lights up like it does nearly every day, but this time it had a slight hint of sadness behind it. He leans over and squeezes you into the tightest hug he'd given you ever before. "Thank you so, so much, Y/N, but... I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to have her right now. Tour's starting in less than two weeks, and then after that there's conventions and..."

You pull away so you can look at him, the grin still on your face. "That's the thing, though; while you guys are gone, I have to stay here for work, and I'll already be looking after Chica and Marzipan for Mark and Kathryn; what's one more?"

You're back in his clutches again and you hang onto him, as well. "Merry Christmas, Y/N..."

"Merry Christmas, Ethan. I love you," you whisper back.

"I love you too."

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