Elephant in the Womb (Mark x Pregnant Reader)

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Of course... Of course the one time your husband decides to do the grocery shopping without you, you go into labor. And it just had to happen in front of all of your closest friends in the middle of an intense editing session at your house, didn't it?

Just as you stood up to go to the bathroom for the millionth time in the last hour—normal pregnant-lady stuff—, you felt something warm trickle down your leg. At first, you assumed it was another accident (things happen, okay?), but then you realize just how much fluid came out of you.

Kathryn, the closest to you at the time, looked over to see what you were doing; you hadn't moved from the spot you were standing for a good amount of time. She met your wide eyes and glanced down, seeing the giant wet spot beneath you.

"Y/N?" she asked slowly, "Is that...?"

The other four humans in the room turned your way at the sound of Kathryn's voice, doing a double take not believing what they were seeing.

"Yeah. My water just broke..." you say quietly, surprisingly calm about the situation. "Can someone call Mark, please? I think I need to call my doctor, or... Something. I don't know."

You'd been to plenty of birthing classes and went over your action plan with Mark many-a-time, and, although you were paying close attention, you drew a blank during the actual process. In both of those instances, your husband was always with you, and that's what you were counting on when it was the "real deal".

Not wasting a second, unlike yourself, Amy picked up her phone and called Mark, explaining the situation so quickly you could barely understand the words she was saying. Realizing that it was now-or-never, you call your doctor who tells you that she would be there as soon as possible.

Luckily for you, the two of you decided on a home birth. Meaning, you don't have to worry about getting struck in L.A. traffic in the midst of labor. Typically, you have pretty bad road rage on your own, but add in pregnancy hormones and a child's head making it's way out of your vagina—it wouldn't be too pretty for anyone.

Speaking of traffic, you worry about how long it'll take Mark to make it back home, given how poor driving conditions are this time of day. Strangely enough, though, you hear your front door open and slam close mere minutes after Amy hangs up. Seconds later, Mark is standing in front of you, out of breath, likely due to a lot of running with the gallon of milk he was still holding.

You're experiencing your third set of contractions when Dr. Green (this is a reference that literally no one is going to get, but I'm okay with that) and her team arrives. Ethan greets them at the door, seeing as both you and Markle were busy at the moment and shows them into the office, where you were, apparently, going to have your child. The nurses set up station, while Dr. Green begins taking vitals, asking questions, and checks your dilation.

While it's just you, Mark, and the hospital personnel in the room, no one else had left the house yet. Ethan and Mika were cuddling on the couch in your living room, discussing whether or not it would be a boy or a girl, Amy was doing her best to contact the rest of your and Mark's families, the amazing cousin that she is, Tyler was pacing around the kitchen, stress-eating, and Kathryn was tasked with the job of keeping the internet updated.


Ten hours—yes, ten hours—later, you gave your final push and soon after heard the cry of your beautiful baby.

"Boy! It's a boy!" Mark yelled joyfully. Your son was transported to your chest quickly and they began cleaning blood off of him. He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on your lips, tears rolling down his face, and whispered a quiet "I love you" in your ear.

You were both blubbering messes as Mark cut the cord and so was everyone else who came in to visit, shortly after.

You had never seen a sight so perfect as your son and you knew that nothing after that point would make you feel as elated as you did in that moment.

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