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Ethan looks at you and Andrew from where he stands behind the camera. “You guys ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you say, whilst Andrew nods. Ethan then hits record and takes his place on the couch next to you.
You hear the piano begin to play the first couple of chords. Seconds later, Ethan begins singing. “I’ll be home for Christmas… You can count on me… Please have snow… And mistletoe… And presents under the tree…”
His smooth voice resonated through the small living room, leaving a bit of an echo just as you started, “Christmas Eve will find me… Where the lovelight gleams…” You continue on with your verses as you turn your head slowly to look at your boyfriend. He’s staring at you with a look mixed with adoration and amazement, which was, while incredibly sweet, distracting for him, so you nudge him a little with a smile, reminding him that he was to join you soon.
In absolute harmony and unison, the two of you finish the Christmas tune and Ethan finally looks away from you to address the viewers. “Hey, guys! What’s up? So, uh… Me, my beautiful girlfriend Y/N, and my brother over there, Andrew decided to make a little cover for you guys. And, since he’s in town for a little bit, we are working on something kinda cool, and decided to give you a little bit of a teaser with this…” He speaks for a few minutes longer and, while you were still listening for the most part, you’d just kind of zoned out, waiting for his intro.
You then hear your name being spoken and you perk up a bit. “And, as wonderful as my brother was at accompanying me on piano, Y/N’s voice is phenomenal! I mean, come on, why did you keep that a secret for so long?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I answer, a sly smile creeping it’s way onto my face.
“I’m sorry, couldn’t quite understand that… What’d you say?”
“I said, I don’t know—”
“Still can’t catch what you’re saying,” the brown-haired boy interrupts, “Maybe a smidge louder this time?”
“Ethan Nestor, I swear if you don’t hush your mouth right now…”
He then starts talking over you, his grin widening at least three more inches, which you didn’t even know was possible, “You see, everyone, Y/N has this southern accent that makes it difficult to figure out what she’s saying half of the time because she talks so fa—” Ethan stops his own sentence for a second so he could gather enough strength to pin your back to the cough using only his right arm. Technically, it worked, but you weren’t one to admit defeat so easily, and despite your laughter, continued to writhe, yell profanities at him, and try to wiggle out of his grasp.
“Andrew!” you call, Ethan now tickling you, “A little help please?”
He shrugs his shoulders a little, and stands up from where he’s seated to grab Ethan by the waist, pulling him off of you with ease. “Have you missed me, Ethan?” Andrew taunts, setting his scrawny younger brother on his lap and restraining his arms with a tight “hug” from behind.
“No. Now let me go!” he yells, “I need to go give Y/N a little smoochy-smooch so she forgives me.”
You poke your head out from your hiding place—behind the arm of the couch—and shake your head, “Uh-uh. Andrew’s my favorite Nestor now; there’s no way you’re getting near me after this.”
It was then that an idea struck you. You begin mimicking Ethan’s speech from earlier with a few… Minor changes. “You see, everyone, Mr. Ethan here is a bit too big for his britches 99% of the time and thinks it’s funny to tease me because of my accent. Of course, he hasn’t learned his lesson to not mess with a southern girl yet, but he’s sure as hl about to.”
You turn to Ethan with a glare, and then face the camera one last time with the sweetest smile you’d ever given in your life… It was time. “Thank you all so much for watching. If you did slap that like button right in the face. And I will see you guys in the next video. Love you all, stay cranky,” you give one final evil glance to your boyfriend who had nothing but absolute fear in his eyes, and then you force your voice to move up a good three octaves, “Bye!”
You and Andrew both wave to the camera. After that was over with, you march over to the expensive equipment and shut it all off, but not before retrieving your phone from the side table to take a picture of the brothers, captioning it on Instagram “Two peas in a pod!”
**the next day**
You were nervous. Ethan was finally finished editing the cover, and he’d just uploaded it. It was the first video the two of you did together and you were scared of the fan’s reactions. Your boyfriend spent the next couple of hours reassuring you that everything was wonderful and that you had nothing to worry about.
He, of course, was absolutely right. Everyone, except for a few Negative Nancy’s, absolutely loved the two of you together and seemed to find the ending hilarious. You kept getting tagged in Tweets from friends with poorly timed screenshots and beautiful fan art of you holding Ethan in different wrestling positions (your favorite being one of you putting him in a headlock)—It made both of you laugh for hours and forget about the “argument” had the day previous.