My high school band is trying to make t-shirt designs for our Pops concert (the last one of the year), and our director is taking ideas from students. I really want to send something in, buuuut I have no artistic ability whatsoever.
Essentially, I have an idea that I think would be really cool to have on the shirts, but I need someone's help actually drawing it. I'd be sure to give you any and all credit for your work (on here and when I turn in the design), I'll send you a picture of as many people as I can wearing the shirts, and, if it's possible, I can see if it's possible to get you one (if you want it, of course).
So, if you have any artistic ability WHATSOEVER, please, please, please feel free to send me a message! I can explain the design to you and, from there, we can figure out if this is something you can/want to do!
This is super last minute, though—designs are due by THIS FRIDAY, if you think you could complete something that soon.
Thanks, guys!
Got a couple of responses from some people, so for those of you who did, here are the two panthers I mentioned earlier---you can use either one or, if you want to come up with your own, that's fine too! (for everyone else, just ignore this!) :)
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