Epilogue 2

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Question 6: What happened after she got to her village?
Asked by fan_reader28

Many things happened. Stuffs that I can't begin to write in this little space. Just like I mentioned earlier, Nneogo's life took a drastic turn which shaped her entirely. And believe me when I say, it demands to be written.

Question 7: So was Nneogo able to escape sexual abuse?
Asked by HabibahMuhammad

😔 You should have seen her face when I read this out. It's saddening that after all her struggles, she was still in many occasions faced with the constant fight to escape abuse; and as though her 'Chi' has written this fate with a black pen, she found herself drawn inside her duvet with blurry heart wrenching clips of those painful scenes replaying every second in her head..

Question 8: What's her fate with Steve? Did they ever meet again?
Asked by red_roses19 MewilsKoks DesieLeleyii

I'll answer this with a short story...

I walked huskily down the busy road, my heart beating ferociously like an engine as it struggled to circulate more blood into my weak veins. I'd been walking for over an hour, struggling to make it through the crowded streets.

Today isn't just an ordinary day, it's the day the Okie village celebrates their cultural heritage. One absurd thing about this annual event is the fact that they (the community) seem to always forget that their village is located in the heart of the state capital. This means traffic gridlock once the lively occasion starts.

But why did I choose today of all days to visit town? It's not as though the exam commission would cease to function after the weekend, or maybe suspend the sales of the application henceforth. It was just the extreme excitement associated with the thought of gaining admission into the University.

I had no watch to know what the time was, but the mere sight of the sky signaled me it could be around past six in the evening. I shut my eyes briefly as I struggled to breathe, my legs lifting and guiding itself through the busy road. Occasionally I'd glance behind to see if any bus was lucky enough to make it through the crowd, even though I knew within me it wasn't ever going to happen. My only option was walking a long distance of what seemed like a hundred miles, down to the park.

I have another worry though, would there be waiting buses on ground? Or would I have to struggle for one? And how many passengers would be at the park waiting and ready to struggle for a seat.

My internal system was already burning up, with my throat cracking and begging for water. Sadly, I had no extra money to buy sachet water, to refill my energy and quench my burning thirst. I'm not even sure the money I had on me would be enough to pay my transport home, for I was certain these greedy drivers would hike the transport fare cos of bus scarcity. Thanks to Okie festival.

I glanced behind again to see if any bus was coming but was extremely disappointed when I saw none. I kept walking, squeezing myself through sweaty bodies with the occasional salty taste from their skin brushing through my lips.

Squeezing through the next body, a phone fell down. Shocked, I bent over to retrieve it but his angry words were already consuming me.

"Just pray you didn't break the screen.... "

"I'm really sorry, I didn't..... "

And our eyes met.

And stayed glued.

The world, as though listening to our sporadic heartbeat, seems to have stood still.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

And there rang a blazing sound of a horn.

A bus.

I got myself.

I blinked.

And his lips curved into a smile.

"Nne" He said softly, reaching to my hands.

"I can't believe I'm standing before you" I said, love struck. "You're the last person I ever thought of meeting."

Then the sky slowly darkened.

"I'm taking you home" He said drawing me to himself.

"No" I replied, struggling to stop myself from running into him. His touch alone was making me weak and for the first time ever, I was no longer afraid of my family, or being late.

"Come with me. We have so much to talk about!" He said pulling me along.

With his huge shoulder, he was able to move people away, creating a wide walkway for me,  just like a princess.

Out from the crowd, he turned fiercely to me.

"What happened? Where did you go? I got no answers Nne! I visited your shop severally, asked your mum but she gave me no serious words, instead she tried selling the new girl to me". He cried.

Mere staring at his little romantic eyes told me all I needed to know. He was happy to see me, and I was more than excited to feel his touch.

"I'm sorry but I need to go home. My dad, uncles, siblings and all will be looking for me" I tried to explain.

"Then give me your number. You can't leave here without giving me something I can use to find you"

The sky darkened completely.

"My phone is bad, and I'm sure you won't want to have my dad's?" I said smiling.

"Funny, but I wouldn't mind." He paused. "But wait, did you come here from your village? And what brought you here?"

"It's really not that far" I explained laughing. "I came to purchase my exam form".

He nodded.

"Buses won't be available easily based on this festival today, and if you say your village isn't that far, then that means I can take you home" He offered with a wild smile.

"And is that the only reason you're offering me a lift?" I asked.

He laughed shaking his head. "I can write my number on a paper for you, but how am I so sure you'd keep it safe? The only way to stay connected to you is to take you to a place I know you wouldn't pack out from. Your village. So let's go... "
And he dragged me off to a gold Mercedes Benz which was parked in front of an old house, just along the street.

I met my Steve again!

Hello people

I didn't disappoint right?

Okay I want to say something. After such a beautiful romantic narrative of how she met Steve again, I asked about their relationship afterwards...


It was....

Mind blowing! Heartbreaking!! And it's worth writing!!!

So, it's official, I'm gonna write about it....  I can't just leave such amazing story, Mbanu (No!)

Continue to read
And recommend

I love you all people

And won't hesitate to create another epilogue once I have enough questions.

Thanks for all your support..

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