Chapter 4: In his Mind

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In a town filled with poverty, crime and famine. You can say he had a rough childhood growing up. With his mother constantly getting sick and his father working his body half to death to feed his family. At the young age of seven, he was forced to work aswell, taking job offers to clean their houses or to carry out tasks and deliver messages and packages around town. With deaths at every corner, he started to grow furious and very fed up of the environment he lives in. Questioning his sanity at the age of ten when apparitions of people that have recently been found dead would visit the young boy at night, keeping him from getting enough rest. He felt trapped, knowing that if he told his father, he'd only be sent away and be labelled as the town's lunatic.

As the bright full moon rises once again and the clouds trying to shield the town from it's light. Arius was woken up once more but this time, not by the hands and yells of those who have past, but by the hands of his own father.

"Arius! Wake up and go get Ms. Grace! Your mother's having another seizure!" Before the young man even had time to fully wake himself up, his legs acted on their own and stood themselves up and started to run out the door. The smell of cigars and wine clouds the outside of their wooden house as he tries to maintain his consciousness. He finally reaches the old woman's door. Elder Grace is well known to be the town's healer. Though not skilled in using magic, her knowledge over herbal medicine is immensely useful in her craft.

As the boy escorts the old woman into their wooden shack of a house. The boy's mind racing at the speed of light, autumn leaves has fallen into their front porch. He opens the door, finding his father holding his mother's hand to his head with tears running down his face. Her now lifeless body laying on the bed covered in torn brown sheets with her pale motionless face. The man closed her eyes shut with his fingers.

"She's gone." The man stutters in his words, bending his head downwards staring at the ground with his brown hair falling before his face, covering his tear shed eyes.

The boy approached the man in obvious emotional agony before kneeling beside him, falling into his knees. For some unknown reason, tears failed to fall down his pale and expressionless face. For some unknown reason, he did not feel loss, for some unknown reason, he did not feel dread or any form of pain. He starts to wonder why as a hand touches him by his shoulder. He turns to see his mother with a bright smile across her face, a smile brighter than any she has shown before.

"I'm finally free."

Since that unfortunate night. Arius has been visited every night by his mother's spirit. Singing him lullabys and whispering him words of wisdom giving him enough strength to face another day. A few years later, the boy caught wind of a creed far out in the kingdom or Orion. A group specialised in slaying the creatures of darkness and those who work to aid the ones in need. With the unfortunate atmosphere of their town. It is time for the creed to know of their strife and aid them in reinforcing the law and order that is not present in his world.

The meister of fall is on his way.

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