Chapter 20: Everstorm City

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Long ago, a young man was gifted with amazing physical features which made him well known throughout the city. Not only that, but his intellectual capabilities has far surpassed those in his generation. This trait earned him the position of being the city's mayor. Yet because of the city's coastal location, his name spread across the sea aswell. Mermaids, the maidens of the sea eventually caught wind of his name and so did their queen. Serena, goddess of the sea disguised herself as a normal human and sought out to find this young man. As time has it, the two fell for each other. Sharing more in common than any other human could. But of course, besides all the light, man's heart will always bare a shadow. A shadow that causes sin and wrong doing. The man fell for another woman, leaving Serena broken hearted and most of all, enraged.

After revealing her true self, the goddess layed a curse on the unnamed city with never ending rain that will last an eternity. And as soon as the man's punishment was received. He has then forbid worship towards all the gods of caelum as a way to disgrace the sea goddess. Replacing temples with skyscrapers, potions with chemical anecdotes, magic with science. Over time, the city has gained the title "Everstorm". The technologically advanced city that is cursed with never ending storms.

A town with never ending rain. That's the setting of my story, the stage of my play. A place of gloomy dark clouds surrounding my heaven. Until I received this, the charm of Halos. Something within it sparked a flame inside me when I am faced with danger. And now, the citizens of this kingdom is at debate.

"The Maerran religion still thinks of him as a gift from the gods! This caused riots to flood the streets! This boy must be casted away!"

"The boy is sin! The flames he has emitted is the same type of sorcery that brought this curse upon us!"

The sliding door opened, causing the Cumulos council to fall silent. A man with raven black hair and blue eyes enter the scene, dressed in his blue military uniform.

"Please, must you all be so naive as to dwell in such malignance?" He eyes the council in te room once flaming in passion of debate now sitting firm with their mouths shut. He then proceeds to say.

"Whether or not my son is a blessing or a curse from the gods you speak of, one thing is for sure. Without the clouds and the Azul energy they bring, Everstorm's technology will cease to function, causing our city to be plunged into a dark age."

He makes his way to his seat in the middle of the council.

"Now, before I make my final statement, let it be known that my standpoint towards the Maerran religion shall remain unchanged. I still think the gods and magic are just a superstitious excuses for actual science. Yet we are not knowledgeable of what has happened. They may know the answer to what kind of energy caused this light to emerge from my son."

The council was yet again confused. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying we should contact Orion. Their technological advancements and knowledge over.. 'magic' should suffice this predicament."

"Orion? You mean we should negotiate with king Heinrich and his council of.. freaks!"

"Be careful with what you say. The Council of Caelum may have odd points of view, with their worship of gods and all. But they most certainly aren't freaks!"

His name is Mayor Soren Fiameave, the man who holds the highest seat in the Cumulos council, the father of Nero Fiameave. About a week ago, a strange beacon of light appeared in the streets of Everstorm. This light caused the clouds that covered the city to subside, making their technology that relies on rain water and electrical charges from the clouds to function powerless. The passerbys at the time accused Nero Fiameave for being the source. Nero is the mayor's only son.

"Mayor Soren, if I may? Are you willing to risk the safety of your son and the well being of our city?! Placing it in the hands of Orion?!"

"Yes, Yes I do. But I will however ban any magic merchants from Everstorm from this day forth. Just to prevent any incidents like this to happen in the future."

He places his thumb on the holographic glass table, causing the entire screen like device to turn blue. "While our scientists have yet to find an answer to this strange energy, Orion is our best option."

Meanwhile, outside the office stood the red haired boy, staring down at the city from the high tower. His eyes piercing through the giant window. The Cumulos council built this tower so high from the ground it was able to surpass the cloud level. The eye tower was the only building in evertsorm to see sunlight for the past decades. But now, every single home, shop, mall and office in the entire city can enjoy the sun's grace.

A guilty smile visible on his face, he places his hand in his pocket, gripping the charm of Halos the kind woman had given him as he reminisce to the day his mother has sent him on that long walk to the store where he met the young blonde.

"I wonder, could she have known this would happen?"

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