Chapter 11: Free

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After Cyro's extreme use of Celestial magic, the princess has lost her memories of her life in the castle. Since then she would go on throughout her daily routine with a dull and expressionless face. She has no recollection of the castle she resides in and the people she has spent her time with whatsoever. Because of this, Sarah and both her parents of royalty are heartbroken.

It was time for yet another Creed meeting. As the leaders with their usual black cloaks continue to walk through the inner castle's hallway, their minds are filled with worry and stress as they are indeed aware of the princess's current state. And as the royal guards open the golden sealed door for them to enter the sacred room, their eyes widen for there is a new seat in the round table. Beside the king's throne sits Roy, the general of Tengoku. His eyes sparkling like teal turquoise gems and his raven black hair tied up to a wolf tail accompanied by his whispy beard. His meer stare of intimidation can send chills down your spine. After they approach their seat in their individual postions in the round table. The king rises from his throne, proudly raising his head and yells

"Brothers and sisters! Let us welcome! General Nix of Tengoku! As a new leader of Caelum's Creed!"

The guards surrounding the room stomps their golden spears on the floor in unison as a form of applause. And yet, mixed emotions engulf the round table.
Chora Sampaguita and Johan Rizal delivers a round of applause along with Yin Xiao. Yet Sage Arceli seems to be disagreeing with the king's sudden arrangement. After the round of applause, Sage takes the opportunity to speak his mind.

"Your Majesty, if I may? It has only been a month since their recruitment. Not to mention the princess's curre-"

"Sage, for the past month, Celestians were welcomed to migrate and set a livelihood here in Orion. And since then, we have found a remedy to fourteen types of uncurable diseases." Chora's remarks were quite aggressive and passionate, very unusual compared to her quiet and composed tone of voice. Yet the mage does not back down and replies.

"And I am grateful for their contributions. Yet let me remind you, all of you that the Creed's missions are highly confidential. Even the royal generals are unaware of our actions."

"As king, I undoubtedly believe General Nix is capable of leading Creed missions just as well as we do." The king's remark sent the infuriated mage into obedient silence.

"Now, I have assigned our new member as a jack of all trades in the matter. He will be aiding Chora in the medical field, leading alongside Yin in battle strategies, arranging diplomatic issues and keeping record of important events with Johan and will help Sage in issues concerning magic if there should be the need." The king has already assigned the new leader an important role in the creed, being an expert in all of the group's functions. The silent group returns with a nod.

"Which reminds me, how is the boy doing?" The king asks. Roy turns to him, rather appreciative of the king's concern.
"He is settling in very well with the help of his mother. I have spoken to him about his training that will begin very soon."
"That is good to hear, the creed academy is already prepared for the recruitment of young fledglings. Sage and I have the best combat instructors and mages assigned. Not to mention we will be participating in classes aswell due to the special batch we seem to be having this year." Yin Xiao ensures him.
"I'm afraid we have to pospone classes this year, are you forgetting about the other three?" Johan reminds them.
"Of course, Johan. We must not be content with Cyro's recruitment though it is a blessing. Spring, summer and fall are still nowhere to be found despite our scout's all out search." Yin Xiao replies.
"I am yet to receive a vision of their whereabouts. We must hurry in our search, I'm afraid Ivy and Jin are still at large."says the king, as he bows his head down in worry.
"I will make sure to have my best Celestians out by the towers tonight, there may be a chance for them to receive a vision from the stars." Roy suggests.

The intense discussion continues. Meanwhile, the princess lays awake in her bed, her brown eyes staring up at the ceiling unable to catch sleep. While still missing her memories, depression and anxiety fills her heart. Not knowing who she is, being told what to do, when to do and how to do it. Having doctors and healers constantly visiting her everyday, only for them to leave with a dissapointed face. Her eyes slowly close shut as she drifts off into sleep.

Yet it didn't feel like sleep. For some reason, I felt awake, still somewhat conscious. Yet, my body was completely paralyzed and numb. The only sensation I can unbearably feel is the heavy mass pressing down my chest. I was at the verge of suffocation until it all vanishes. Now, I clearly see myself floating in a dark cold void. I look around to see nothing but a sea of darkness. Until streams of light appear, indigo and blue strands surround me. The experience was incredibly unsettling. Yet, a part of me felt at peace, like I was laying on a bed of soft flower petals.
"Flowers!" I yell in my thoughts, yet it emits a sound and echoes through the void now filled with strands of light. The streams start to react to my sudden reflex. As a the colours clashed in front of me, creating a single ring of light. Within the ring appears a vision of a young girl. She was beautiful. Her eyes as purple as the decorations and garments in my room. Her hair as black as the void I resided in and skin so flush and smooth. Her red dress smudged in dirt and leaves, swaying by her graceful dances as she frolics among the bed of roses. A wide and beautiful smile on her face, I can tell she was very happy. I can tell that she felt free. "Free..." that word makes me feel uneased. It feels like something I
may never be able to call myself. As thoughts start to flood my head, I hear the girl's laughter. When I look back at the vision, I notice that she was accompanied by butterflies of different shades and colours. I envied her, she was more than content with her current state, like a bird set free, soaring the skies for the very first time.

Why am I acting this way? I fall down to my knees, my face covered by my soft palms as tears start to run down. Why do I feel so trapped? Why am I longing for something I have yet to know of? What do I want?

I felt empty, like a part of me was missing. A part that I don't even know what to make of.

I uncover my face after wiping the tears away. My eyes focus on a frail and little stream of indigo light with a blue strand wrapped around it. My eyes widen, thinking this may be it. As my cold palms grasp the indigo light, memories start to flood my mind. The kingdom, the castle, my family, I remember all or them. Though I still haven't grasped what I was longing for, I am now aware of what it is. I want to be free, free from the never ending cycle I whole heartedly dread. Now knowing who I am, I muster up the strength to stand up. I wipe the remaining tears away before wiping strands of my hair aside.

"I am Princess Divina Orion, heir to the throne of my kingdom.

And I deserve to be free"

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