Chapter 13: Dame of Light

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The sunlight was barely tracing the dark skies, yet the castle's upperdeck filled with airships and armed creed members gathering for their departure. It has only been a few weeks since Princess Divina has been gifted with the vision of the spring guardian herself. She who receives the crystal's loving and beautiful natural power. Needless to say, Sora was quite nervous herself, not knowing what to expect when she meets her. Not knowing how to approach the very key to their world's survival.

I have spent the past seventeen years of my life studying the valuable methods of healing magic. Learning how to tame my compassionate nature and moulding it into something that can save millions of lives. "The Angel of Light" and so they called me, overestimated rumours about my powers, saying all pain will vanish the second I have graced them with my presence, if only they knew the true meaning of healing someone. If only they knew how my magic works and how it correlates to one's will to live. Perhaps the world may never understand the true meaning of spirit.

She snaps out of her thoughts staring out into the beautiful view from so high above. Standing on the castle's deck so far from the ground was exhilarating to say the least. She turns back to her companions that will be joining her in this journey.

"Maribeth?!" She yells out in awe. Witnessing Cyro Nix's mother standing before her, wearing the Creed's famous black cloak with it's golden symbol at her back. Sora knew what it meant, a cloak decorated by a golden seal can only mean the member's high ranking. Being ones of second in command, Maribeth has earned her position as a creed Cherubim.
"Hello Sora. I'm sorry, have I startled you?" The woman says politely with a smirk drawn across her face.
"No, well. The king did not inform me that you were coming! But it would be an honour to have someone of your calibre accompany me in this heavily shrouded mission." The Leader replies.
"Please, the position I hold in Tengoku is nothing compared to what you wield here. In any case, I have already deciphered the location from the princess's vision and our pilot is now aware of it. I think it's best if we head on our way, it is a long trip after all." The woman raises her right hand, pointing towards the fleet of golden airships. They were truly a symbol of elegance and technical innovation. Tinted glass windows, it's body covered in complete gold and of course, it's golden wings attached with the indigo flag of Orion, the aircraft is known as the "Halcyon Eagle."

Sora swallows the lump in her throat as she heads for the largest airship in the fleet, a pilot wearing a helmet connected to a microphone sitting by the front, and seats aligned through the sides of the aircraft halted by a golden sliding door with tinted glass.

She looks at the pilot with shades covering his eyes before delivering a slight nod. The man then returns the gesture and starts tapping the high-tech touch screen control panel before announcing rather sternly through the microphone:

"H.E zero preparing for take off."

They hear the engines start up as the propellers located by it's wings start to rotate. With it being Maribeth's first time traveling in such a method riding an advanced peice of technology, she was quite nervous as paranoia struck her when the ship slowly levels itself from the deck. Radio messages are heard from the cockpit.

"H.E one to four, preparing for take off."

Maribeth looks out the tinted window, staring at the castle seeming to grow further away with both her husband and her son waving her a goodbye. Although she expects the trip to end in a week or so, seeing Roy and Cyro so far from her reach was quite a hard sight to comprehend.

"Maribeth, is something wrong?" Sora touches her shoulder as a gesture of comfort. She stares into her companion's eyes which is filled with concern.
"Not at all, as long as I make it back alive I'd have no problem with the mission." She replies with a joke as an attempt to break the ice. Sora let's go of her shoulder and faces front while letting out a loud laugh.
"Worry not, the Fay Maidens are very peaceful. Pay no attention to the rumours about them for they are very false." The White haired leader reassures the newly pledged Cherubim.
"It is not the Fay Maidens I am worried about." Maribeth replies. Sora's brow arches in curiosity.
"Then what in Maerra could be causing the white witch of Tengoku such distress?" Maribeth looks at her with a still and worried expression.
"When we were still in Tengoku, our elders found Cyro unconscious in the middle of the forest. It was the first time we ever saw his hair as white as snow. Upon further investigation, my husband has found large footprints that definitely aren't ones that belong to a mere human. They were large claws that looked like that of a lizard's. It seems like someone or something tried to get rid of Cyro that night. And I'm guessing it is Lacria's power that saved him from those creatures. If the same is after our guardian of spring, I'm not sure if I'm capable of protecting her."

The Creed leader looks away, rather shocked of Maribeth's unwavered honesty and show of emotion. A slight smile escapes her mouth, she feels compelled to do the same.
"Before I was a Supreme Leader of our creed, I was once a Cherubim like you, leading my very own company of combat medics. We were widely known as the best medical platoon in the entire creed. Until, we encountered a demon who's magic is terrifying and relentless. Her poison was strong enough to infect those who tried to heal the ones that are being consumed by it. Because of that, my entire company was wiped. Not one survived the pain and suffering caused by her magic. All I can base it on was the description given to me by the injured warriors. They say she was a beautiful maiden with long black hair and doe-eyes, she was simply an image of perfection, quite unusual compared to the hideous creatures we'd usually face. I was filled with despair and anger, self-deprecation became my new way of breathing.
And so, I was left alone. In the dark creed base filled with lifeless bodies and I couldn't do anything to help them. From then on, I honed my skills not only in healing but in magic that can one day rid of the demons in Maerra aswell. Thus earning me the name 'Dame of light'."

Maribeth stares at her, her teal green eyes now filled with determination as she was obviously saddened and inspired by her story.
I'm sorry to hear that, Sora. I'm sure they are in a place where such pain no longer exists."

The general lets out a laugh rather gentle compared to the last one.

"I know they are, their memory is what keeps me going."

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