Habits Stay

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Destiny's POV:

I woke up with Kate's naked body hugging me, I quietly moved my arm away from her, careful not to wake her. I looked at the alarm clock, it says 7 A.M. I sat up, I kissed Kate at the top of her head like I always do.

I got up and prepared breakfast, I was playing music on my phone, docked at the speaker in the dining table. I cook while I sing along the music. I continued to plate each food I cooked. Kate and I always share a plate during breakfasts.

I brewed two cups of coffee. As soon as I finished arranging the tray of breakfast, I went to my room, where I see her still sleeping. I set the breakfast tray in the study table. I looked at Kate's naked sleeping body, she looks stunning, she moved a little bit, her hand reaching over my side of the bed, it made me giggle a little bit, she's always looking for me. When she realized no one is there, she automatically opened her eyes, she stretches and sat up, looking at me. I was looking at her softly.

"Up so early Doctor?" She smiled a little at me

"Yes, I'm waiting for you, come let's eat breakfast." I got the tray of breakfast from the table and walked back to bed.

She helped me arrange the tray as I took a seat beside her.

"Wow, this breakfast looks great, your cooking skills are developing."

I laughed at her comment

"Uhuh, there you go again, looking for trouble are you?"

"Hmmmm... Maybe." She took a bite out of the fried eggs in the plate, then she fed me.

I shook my head smiling at her

"Thank you." I sincerely told her

She smiled back at me

She took a sip of hot coffee

"I mean it and this, might be the last time, we're going to see each other."

She looked at me puzzled


"Because, I can't simply hold you like this forever, I understand that you have a life of your own, that eventually you will find someone who will love you fully, the way that I can't. I just want you to get used to that as early as now."

"But, I love it this way, no strings or complications, just having fun."

She said trying to convince me from making the decision.

"No, Kate. You deserve someone better, right now, I see you trying to divide your attention between me and Robert, like what you have been doing with all the guys you dated. I don't want you to get stuck with me, because you and I are friends. I want to save you from the trouble."

"You're a bad habit to break you know?"

"I know, look, you're also a bad habit that's very hard to break for me. Because you were the only person who has loved me so much, You made me live again. You gave me something to hold on to, but my heart is still with Eve."

"Okay, I understand."

She got up from bed, with out finishing breakfast.

"Hey, we're not done eating yet."

I said, as she gathered her clothing that is on top of the chair.

"You want this right? Then I'll give it to you."

She said as she entered the bathroom.

"Hey, no. That's not what I mean Kate, What I meant is we should get used to not seeing each other, but can you stay for the whole day?"

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