Sleep Tight

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Destiny's POV:

Today's lunch was intense, I know it was wrong to use Kate as my beard. But it was Eve who thought Kate and I were dating. I've thought about how this is affecting Kate, she may not speak, but I know this is hurting her more than it should. I don't want her to hurt. The last four days, I have tried to appease her, because I've been feeling crappy about treating her like crap all these years. I made her feel special and made love to her for one night.

After dinner, she left me alone in the kitchen. The bath we took together was silent, I let her be. I know she is hurting. If I could only mend her broken heart, but damage has been done. She laid down in bed, didn't even bother to invite me to bed. She's thinking. I know. After looking at Brian's emails, I quickly noted the things I noticed. Once done, I shut my computer off.

I went to my side of the bed, I took time to look at Kate's angelic figure, sleeping soundly. I kissed the top of her head, I kissed her eyes and finally her lips. Before I laid down myself.

Once I have laid myself down, Kate hugged me, she adjusted her head until she found her favorite spot at the crook of my shoulder and neck. It feels nice to have her lay in bed with me, like this. I hugged her tight and switched the lights off.

I looked at her and watch her sleep, even in the darkness, she's beautiful. For what seemed like the millionth time, I began to wonder, what I have done right, to deserve her. I silently prayed to God to keep her safe and to never break her heart any more than I have.

I drifted off to sleep myself.

Eve's POV:

Earlier today, I decided to do a surprise visit at Destiny's office, I was determined to have lunch with her. Now that I have finally found her, I was hoping I could talk and tell her my side, why I did those things to her and my true feelings. Once I entered her room and saw a pretty woman inside her office, my heart broke. When I heard her call the woman 'Sweetheart' it made me jealous. Because before she, there was an us. That should have been me.

I decided to tag along their lunch date, the woman is caring, I can see in her actions how she cared about Destiny, her eyes told me how much she loved Destiny. Does this woman know who I am? I really wanted to ask her, it was an awkward lunch, Destiny referred to me as an acquaintance from college, she never mentioned once how I was the center of her world. It made my heart break because it only means that ever since that day, her love for me ceased to exist. She is her world now. That makes my heart break. Was I 10 years too late? The tears in my eye flowed tonight, I slept myself crying.


Destiny's POV:

I woke up the following day, with out Kate beside me. I looked around the room, there was no sign of her. I shrugged off the fear of her living with out me knowing. I rose from bed and went to the kitchen. There she was, my goddess, preparing our breakfast, once she realized she is being watched, she looked over my direction and smiled, the sweetest smile I have ever seen, she greets me.

"Good morning, Sweetheart." I hugged her from behind, I kissed her neck before answering her.

"Good morning, what are you doing up this early? You scared me you know that?"

"Just wanted to for a change be up this early and make you breakfast, I only get to make you breakfast every weekend."

She smiled while she was cooking corned beef and eggs.

"Okay, can I help you with anything?" she shook her head no.

"No, I'll be alright."

She says full of confidence

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