Eve's Temptation

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Ari's POV:

Today is tuesday and my second session with Eve. Yesterday, I felt how miserable she lived her life with out Destiny. Destiny is a sweet and protective friend, she'd go to war for you. I can't blame Eve, if you have a very supportive friend like her, there was a time that Rachel and I had a fight because of Destiny, we almost broke up that time. But she never stopped treating me and Rachel as her family. She would always kiss the top of our heads and she does sweet things for us.

Like buy us lunch, when she knows we were busy doing projects and other school requirements, she'd call never sent a text this whole time that we knew her. She would sometimes call, suddenly with out explanation. Just to ask how we have been or just to invite us for dinner or lunch. She is the nicest and sweetest friend ever.

I was sitting in the dining table, waiting for Rachel to finish making us breakfast, I sip on my cup of coffee as I read through an email, it was Destiny's notes on Eve's case. I was reading through her notes and observations. I was silently reading through the email when my wife called my attention.

"Hon, are you alright? I said breakfast is ready." Rachel pouted at me

"Yeah, I'm fine Honey. I'm sorry, I was just reading through an email." I smiled at her before kissing her lips and putting my phone down.

"That's alright. So, Eve is your new patient, right?" She looked at me as if asking for gossip.

"Yes. Why?" I said as I took a bite of crispy fried bacon.

"So? Come on, details!" She grins widely at me as she took a bite of her hashbrown.

"Ugh, can't believe you Peters!" I giggled at her before taking a sip from my cup of coffee.

"Honey, please?" she pouts at me.

"She's nice, but she had a hard time, her dad left her mom and her best friend lost it when she caught her boyfriend cheating. No one was there for her." I said to Rachel as I eat my hashbrown.

"Oohh, poor Eve." Rachel said while eating her scrambled eggs.

I took a sip of coffee before continuing to eat my scrambled eggs.

"Yeah, anyway, we have another session today. Just reading through D's initial notes about this case." 

"Okay, honey. Uhmmm, we're supposed to go ring hunting later. Should I pick you up?" Rachel asked me

"Can you drive me to work and pick me up after?" I batted my eyelashes at her.

"Hmmm... Are you trying to save on gas?" She questioned me

"Yeah. I am. I drive a Honda CR-V, it consumes gas like a fat kid would consume milk." I chuckled.

"Ahahaha! I told you to trade that in for a Mazda CX-5, but nope, you're not listening." Rachel laughed at me

"Honey, I like my Honda CR-V, just not the gas intake. Besides, I've been using a Honda CR-V since." I smiled at her again.

"Alright, we'll car pool. That's only because, I love you so much wifey." She says to me like I don't know it.

"I'd also like you to meet Eve." I said to her.

"Alright Mrs. Butera-Peters, I'd love to meet your new friend." she smiled at me.

"And please Mrs. Peters-Butera, no bitch mode okay? Be nice to her, she is nice. I am warning you." I admonished her knowing she would throw an attitude, unlike me and Kate, Rachel tells you upfront if she doesn't like you as a person.

"Ugh, alright. Alright. I'll try to be in my best behavior." she concedes

"Good girl!" I exclaimed and gave her a kiss on her lips before standing up to take our plates in the sink.

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