Remembering Destiny

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Eve's POV:

I got to work roughly around 7 AM, I haven't been in the office for at least a minute when I was greeted by my assistant Marian 

"Good Morning Ms. Jimenez, I know you just got in but Mr. Garcia has been looking for you, he informed me to tell you to drop by his office immediately." I smiled at my secretary and said 

"Did he tell you why?" 

"I'm afraid he didn't." 

"Okay, can you put my bag on my table? Please and thank you." Marian took my bag and walked away towards my office 

I walked towards Mr. Garcia's office, once arriving, I knocked softly 3 times, before entering his office, he smiled upon seeing me enter the door. "Good Morning Eve, have a seat please I walked towards a chair in front of his desk, "Good Morning Matt, you were looking for me?" 

"Ah yes, Eve. Good Morning to you too, I wanted to check in on your progress with the Empire account?" 

"Polishing a couple of final touches for tomorrow's presentation, making sure that their needs are met." 

"I'm glad to know you're ready for tomorrow's presentation, this is it Eve, this account will put our firm's name into the map, it's crucial that we get this account." I smiled and nodded at Matt 

"I'll do what it takes to nail this down for the firm." 

"Great to hear that! Well, I'll leave you up to it. Thanks for the update." 

"You're welcome Matt. I'll go now." Matt nodded and I went out his office. 

The hours went by fast, before I knew it, it's already lunch, I looked at the progress I've made and the pile of papers strewn all over my desk, I sighed just a bit, I leaned against my chair and inhaled softly, slowly exhaling trying to calm myself down. 

Then there it was again, Destiny occupying my thoughts, for some reason I can not understand. "Destiny Valerio." I said to myself I minimized the program I was using to work on my project, I pulled up a web browser and typed on Google 'Destiny Valerio' and hit the search button a few seconds and search results came up, I found an old social media profile under her name and a photo that must have been in her early college days, 

I clicked on the about me section once seeing and matching the resemblance on the photo, I looked at the schools she attended and there it was... I saw it "East Valley College" and just like that I remember who she is...


"Eve, what is up with Destiny? Why is she hanging out with you now?" Shane eyed me curiously 

"Shane, again, she's from my literature class, we made a project together and she's a nice girl, why is this an issue?" 

"Because I told you, I have a feeling she's onto something and it will not be good for your popularity standing in school." 

"Shane seriously, why does it even matter? Besides, I think she's a good person, isn't that enough reason to hang out with her?" 

"I'm just trying to protect your image at school, you know how cruel people could be if you're not one of the popular kids." 

"I know Shane and I do not care about popularity standing, I think I'd like to hang out with who I think is good to hang out with." I said decisively about the matter, Shane recognized the tone and kept quiet, we walked to our respective classes, agreeing to see each other in the school cafeteria for lunch. I spent half the class period thinking of what Shane told me and my strong affinity with Destiny, I know she's a lesbian and I know she writes, beautifully if I may say so. 

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