1 Month in

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Destiny's POV: 

It's been a Month since I proposed to Kate to marry me. We've been living the best days of our lives, we seldom fought about things even if we do, we make it a point to resolved our conflict with peaceful talks. We never screamed.

Eve has already confessed all her murders. The trial has started for murder, about a week ago. Ari and Brian has updated me of her status. We decided to get married on her birthday, October 3. We picked Villa Marigola at Gulf of Poets.

I am at a meeting right now for the Launch of our new product, Kate approved the release of the product my team has developed. So the past month had been nothing but preparation for that day. The introduction of our product to the market. The marketing team has been informing me of the details of our launch party. I approved every bright idea they had.

After the meeting, I rushed into our office room. Kate is still on a meeting, I sat on my table and looked over emails that I had to answer. I answered the emails and sent them to the people.

After answering a few emails, I finally had time to sit back and have a quiet time. I looked at the desk frame, it's a photo of Kate and I, For a moment, I stared at it and remember all of the times I spent holding myself back.

I never knew it was so liberating to let myself finally fall for her. I was looking at her photo when I heard someone at the door. I looked up to find Kate standing at the door looking at me. She smiles softly before going to my desk.

"Hi, gorgeous." I greeted her with a smile as I kissed her on the lips.

"Hey, handsome." she greets me back as she sits in my lap.

"How was your meeting?" I asked her briefly.

"Exhausting." She pouts at me

"Why the long pout on your face?"

"I'm famished. I want to have dinner with my lovely wife." she smiled at her idea.

"You do?" I feigned surprise

"Yes. I want to." as I cradled her to my arms and she burrows her head into the crook of my neck.

"Dinner, do you want to eat like a fine lady or do you want to eat like a construction worker?" I sniggered at her

"I want to eat like a construction worker." She sniggered back at me

"Alright, it's settled. What are you in the mood for?"

"Hmmm... Wings and some big ass burgers sounds good right now." she smiled at me.

"Go get your stuff ready, we're going to have a dinner like the construction workers have." I chuckled

She placed a kiss on my lips, chaste, gentle and full of love, before standing up to head over to her desk. I packed my laptop into the bag and approached her table. I got her computer bag, I watched as she retouches her make up. I think to myself, she's beautiful with out any make up on. I smile at the thought. She smiles at me because I was looking at her patiently, waiting for her to get done. 

"Patience, Babe." she says as she continues to retouch her lipstick. 

I sighed and shook my head. I approached her to place a kiss down on her shoulder.

"Enough, babe. You're beautiful with out make up. You're a goddess and you know that." 

I heard her moan her appreciation as she tries to finish applying her lipstick.

"Babe, no. I'm almost done." She begs me to stop kissing her shoulder. 

I stopped and smiled at her before walking towards the door. After she finishes retouching her make up, she gets her hand bag from her chair and started to walk towards the door. Where I was waiting. I pulled her closer to me as we walk towards the elevator.

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