I Choose You

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Destiny's POV:

It was already Friday, the most important day of the rest of my life. All week leading up to this Moment, I've been going out whenever my schedule permitted it, under the guise of checking up on Eve's case. The truth is, together with our College Friends we were finalizing the Rooftop and the other elements of the Proposal. Sally Uy, whose Uncle owns Northshore College, have allowed us to access the Rooftop and do our little arrangement. 

This place is very important and pivotal if you will to Kate and I. This is where she would eventually profess her love for me, a month after I have met her. This is where I would find her whenever she is feeling blue. This is where I would be if I just needed to stop the world from distracting me. This is our safe haven. When we are up here, rather than scream at each other, we would talk things out, peacefully. 

I looked at the photos they printed, they were all in a table at the far end of the rooftop, they will hang these photos with lights and lanterns in the area. Leading to a 'tent' where a table will be situated, at the other end will be where our friends and family a long table with Eight Chairs. There will be a mini stage at the front of all the set up, where I will be singing her a song, before popping a question. 

It is still early in the morning, I had to bail out of the office, again under the pretense of Eve needing me, Brian knew about it, he was covering for me when ever Kate called. I was practicing the song, I was strumming the guitar. I had to execute this song perfectly. Rachel approached me.

"Hey, you feeling the jitters buddy?" She said as she hands me my second cup of coffee for the day. 

"Yeah Rache, I mean what if she realizes she doesn't want to marry me? What if she says no?" 

"D, don't think that. I know Kate Howell so much, when she wants something, she will fight you to death to keep it. Funny that she had Three boyfriends back in college, but I've never seen any sparkle in her eyes, she said she was always straight. But that first day she met you, there was an unmistakable sparkle in her eyes, as she introduced you to us, It was the same sparkle I see in her eyes these days, how she insists that someday, you will fall in love with her. I never believed in Destiny and Fate and all that bull crap. Howell and I never did, but I guess, when love comes, you believe in those, you want to gamble your life into that person. Like what I have done with Ari, there will be times when every thing will be hard, but never ever think that you will lose each other in the process. You'll be fine D, this has been waiting to happen, 10 years in the making. We're glad, Ari and I especially that our best friends are going to get married finally." 

"Rache, I want to thank you girl, I mean I wouldn't know where I would be with out You, Ari and Kate. I can not promise you Rache. But I will never get tired of loving Katie, My heart will always beat for her, I will take care of her and respect her decisions. I will always and forever do things for her and for her best. I will always make her smile, even if she forgets my love for her."

Rache hugged me tightly she whispered in my ear "Valerio, I am glad that you have allowed our Princess Katie into your heart, that you finally realized her worth, I'll hold you to your words. I'll come kill you if I find out that you hurt her." 

She pulls away from the hug, she was looking into my eyes with a certain fire in her. I got scared.

"I-I uhmm... I w-will." I answered scared with the way she looked at me

"Hahahahahahahaha! Shit Valerio! You should've seen your face. You were so scared. That's priceless. First time I've seen you scared shitless. Hahahahahahahahaha!" 

"Fuck you Peters!" I exclaimed once I realized she was only joking.

"Uh Ah! Only Ari gets to fuck me." she laughed once again and I couldn't help but lightly punch her in the arm. 

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