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A day as boring as any. I, being the normal nerd I am, was chilling at a friend's house reading. 'Who is this friend?' you may ask. Why, none other than the Magnificent Sans! Or as I like to call him, Blue. I met him shortly after monsters came to the surface. Normally, I'm not one to socialize, but he is. He wanted to keep in contact, so I gave him my phone number and continued my day. Now, I'm sitting on the couch in his surface home reading one of my favorite books. My mom bought the series for me a few years ago and I couldn't help rereading it. Chara, the human who freed monster kind, burst through the door. I jumped and the book fell into my lap. Chara flopped down on the couch next to me and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Well hello to you too 'Miss Ambassador'." I said sarcastically. Her response was to flip me off. I just let out a laugh before picking up my book again.

"Whatcha reading?" she asked, shifting so she could see over my shoulder. Chara is like a sister to me. Blue introduced us to each other and we were instantly best friends. She snatched the book from my hands and looked at the cover.

"f/b again? Sheesh, you really love this series don't you?" I shrugged at that last comment, taking my book back.

"Maybe if you read it you'd like it." she just stuck her tongue out at me. I copied the action, squeezing my eyes shut for extra effect.

"But anyways, how was today's meeting?" Immediately after I said that, Chara burst out with complaints about it. I sorta tuned her out, my eye catching something outside. It was difficult to see, as I had forgotten my glasses at home, but I thought I saw a blur of beige. I blinked, and the mysterious blur was gone. Huh. Maybe just a figment of my imagination.

"Hey! Are you even listening?!" Chara's snapped, bringing me back into reality. I shook my head rapidly, the previous image getting saved in the back of my head.

"Sorry Chara, just saw something outside." She turned and looked out the window, only to see nothing. She turned back to me and I just shrugged.


I was on my way to the library from Blue's house with my old messenger bag across my shoulder. The sun was setting over the mountains and I looked at it and sighed. I turned my head back forward and stopped in my tracks. Right in front of me was the same beige blur from earlier! Although, now that I was closer, I could make out some details. The beige came from a scarf that went almost to the ground. I could see a sash across the mysterious person's chest with some colored blurs. They had unique clothing on. I don't know how to describe it. I squinted my eyes and could barely make out that... they were a skeleton?! I blinked, surprised. The figure turned toward me, and then. They disappeared. I rubbed my eyes a couple times and looked back at the spot.

"What the hell?" I muttered to myself, continuing on my way to the library.

I looked down at my beat down combat boots, trying to take everything in. The only two skeletons I knew were Sans and Papyrus, Sans' brother. I pulled out my phone and shot Chara a text.



Wow not even a hello thanks

Sorry. What's up

Were there any other skeletons in the underground

No... why

Just wondering

I don't know why I didn't tell Chara what I saw. Maybe because I didn't believe it much myself. I just shrugged it off and headed home, forgetting about the library.


I let out a groan, reaching for my phone. Not really seeing what I was doing, I swiped it to answer whatever call I was getting in the middle of the night.


"Y/N" A whisper shout was heard through the phone. Still not being very awake yet, I was having none of it.

"Why are you whispering. Never mind that why are you awake." Yeah, I was mad. It was 3 in the morning and I wanted to go back to sleep.

"Not the time. Someone's in the house!" I sat up.

"Are you sure it isn't Pap or Blue?"

"They're both right next to me." That sentence. That one single sentence woke me up.

"...I'll be there in a few"


"Just stay quiet and hidden." I instructed, slipping on a jacket as I grabbed my car keys. After rushing out the door, I hopped into my old beat down car and started it. I drove. Fast. I was scared of what would happen to Chara. And Blue. And Papyrus.

After about 3 minutes of me probably breaking the speed limit, I finally reached their house. Jumping out of my car, I didn't hesitate to throw the door open, ready to fight whatever was on the other side. I wasn't expecting what I saw, however. There, in front of me, was another skeleton. This one had black bones, he wore gym shorts and a black hoodie. His eyes, oh god his eyes. They held two pinpricks, both a different size, both holding the same murderous intent. I couldn't move. Not from shock, I physically couldn't move. Blue strings had wrapped themselves around my body, cocooning me. I struggled, but to no avail. The skeleton looked up at me with a horrifying, sadistic smile. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out. I could only stare as he approached me, each step slow and menacing. He was no more than a foot away from me, when,


Something raced past me and kicked him away. The strings fell to the ground limp, and I immediately grabbed the pocket knife I had in my back pocket. Before I could do anything, however, whatever had kicked him rushed past me, attacking. Barely missing me, close enough for me to feel the force of wind, was a blur of beige.

So that's the prologue. I wrote this at like 3 in the morning so don't judge too hard. To clear things up a bit: yes I made chara a girl. Sorry if you don't see it that way, that just makes it easier for me and for the story to run. Also some small stuff like the book and clothing choice, the book was just the book I'm currently reading, and the clothes have a bit of explaining to do. Stuff like the color is optional but the reader will always wear a sweater, jeans and combat boots. As to not spoil any of the story, I won't be saying why. Just know there is a reason. Thanks for checking out my story and I hope you enjoy it.

A Blur of Beige (Ink Sans X Reader) ((UNDER EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now