C H A P T E R 6

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 "I don't know about this, Y/n." Ink was going over my plan with Blue and Pap. They didn't see it as a good idea, but I see nothing wrong with it.

"Why not? Do you guys have any other ideas?" I crossed my arms, a stubborn look on my face. Blue sighed.

"Y/N, THIS COULD BE REALLY DANGEROUS." Blue placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me a look I couldn't read. I shrugged and ink shook his head.

"I agree with Blue. How would this turn out good for you at all?" I just shrugged again. I made up my mind and nobody's gonna change it. This plan has to work, even if it means risking my own life.

"None of that matters, Ink. All that matters is getting Chara back. After all, she's the monster ambassador. I'm just a nobody."

Blue looks shocked and slightly hurt. "YOU'RE NOT A NOBODY! YOU MATTER A LOT TO US AND IF YOU WERE GONE I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE WOULD DO." I tilted my head. These people I've only known for a month or so care about me that much? I shook my head.

"Chara is more important. I mean, how long will monsters last without their ambassador here to reason? We need her back, and I'm willing to give up my own life so we can get her back. Nothing can convince me otherwise. Besides," I gave blue a small smile. "There's still the chance I make it out alive."

Blue shrugged a little as I grab the notebook, flipping to a fresh page and drawing out our plan.

"So here's the plan: You guys are going to put me in the antivoid, leaving me for error to find. Once he finds me, I'll press this buzzer," I held up a buzzer and a radio. "And the sound will come from this radio. The second you hear that buzz Ink, you are going to open a portal to the antivoid and attack him. While he's distracted, I'll get to Chara and help her escape."

Ink interrupted me. "There's no way you'd be able to escape error. His strings literally grab onto your soul. They're impossible to escape if he gets your soul. How are you going to get around that?" I gave him a devious smirk.

"You'll see."



WOOOO AN UPDATE. Thanks @TeddyBearKitkat for helping me out with this. I know this chapter is short but there was a reason for it. We're getting to the good stuff and I'm sooo excited for it. School's almost out, so I'll have a lot more time to write this and may even finish the story. Thanks so much for reading and yeah! Kenna-chan out.

A Blur of Beige (Ink Sans X Reader) ((UNDER EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now