C H A P T E R 4

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WARNING: There may be some triggering things in this chapter. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Enjoy the chapter

 After showing Ink my guest room, I closed myself in my room. The bed in the corner had f/c and white chevron bed sheets and a white and f/c chevron pattern pillow. There were two other black pillows behind that, and two larger f/c pillows behind those. There was a black desk in the corner, accompanied by a f/c spinny chair. In the corner across from the desk was the closet. In the closet was a door that led to a secret/panic room. I had put a f/c bean bag chair and my tv in it. In the corner across from my bed was a bookshelf, and next to that a paint easel. Along the ceiling, lights were strung. I went directly to the easel and grabbed the pallet sitting on the bookshelf. Filling it with paints, I started to paint the sunset. I had purposefully put the easel in front of the window, so I could see out of it and paint. I played some music from my phone and relaxed, forgetting anything else in the world existed. It was just me, the music, and the painting.


I heard a knock on my door, startling me back into reality and making me nearly drop the pallet. I set it down on the bookshelf and opened the door. Ink was standing there, pure shock written on his face. Crap, I thought to myself, he heard me sing. He stood there a moment before shaking his head, seeming to remember why he had come to the door.

"Uh, sorry to bother you, but was that you singing?" I nodded, looking down to hide my reddening face. His face went from shock to disbelief.

"Wow! You're really good! Are you okay? You look like you're in pain" my hand went to the small scar along my throat. His eyes met mine, changing every time he blinked. I looked down again.

"I-it's a long story." I mumbled. Thinking about it, I realized I was gonna have to tell him sooner or later. Might as well get it over with. I pushed the door open a bit as to invite him in. He seemed to get the message, walking in a little awkwardly. I hopped on my bed, leaning back on the pillows. Ink pulled up my spinny chair, sitting on it. Taking a deep breath, I began the story.


"It was about 5 years ago. I was living with my mom and dad. Mom was never home and dad drank a lot. When I was young, I talked a lot. Dad would often get annoyed of it, and he would shout at me. It got to the point where I would lock my door and hide the key. Usually, it wasn't anything bad, but then, he acted. I forgot to lock the door, not expecting him to burst in as suddenly as he did. He threw open the door, a-and.... And" my voice wavered. I realized I was crying. Ink looked startled, and I could tell he had no idea what to do. I took another deep breath, calming myself before wiping my tears and continuing.

"H-he had a knife... a-and he-"

oki it's good

"You don't have to continue." I looked at Ink, confused. He had a look of sympathy in his eyes. I tilted my head.

"You already told me more than I was expecting, having only just met you." I shook my head.

"No no. I told you because I wanted to. Sorry for getting so overly emotional about it. It's not a particularly good memory. But that's why I don't use my voice much with the exception of the skelebros and Chara." He gave me a look of uncertainty, but let it go anyways. He turned around to leave, and then saw my painting.

"Woah did you paint this?! It looks really good!" I blushed a little. I wasn't used to people seeing my paintings, let alone complimenting them.

"T-thanks I guess. It's not the best, just something I started to calm me down." I replied, getting up to clean the area. Ink looked at me with literal stars in his eyes.

"It's still really good!" I giggled a little. His excited expression went to one of surprise.

"Wow, it's already 11? You should probably sleep."

"Me? What about you?" he looked at me and smirked.

"Skeleton. Don't need sleep." I mentally facepalmed, smiling a little.

"Well if I'm gonna sleep then you need to get out of here," I replied pushing him out. "Goodnight, skeledork."

"Night- Wait. Skeledork?" I closed the door on him, suppressing my laughter as I flicked the light off.

OKAY GOT THAT DONE. So sorry it took me longer to upload. A bunch of stuff came up and I was put under a lot of stress (more info on my tumblr) but WE ALL GOOD NOW. Probably. I might not have as much time to write as I'm starting therapy soon soooooo. Well see y'all in the next chapter BAIIIII.

A Blur of Beige (Ink Sans X Reader) ((UNDER EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now