C H A P T E R 7

475 13 11

I threw my bag full of things to keep me sane into the trunk of my car, slamming it shut. Ink was watching me, still really skeptical of this plan even if I had ways to keep me sane. He also is afraid of Error capturing me too, but I keep assuring him I'll be fine. We got into the car and started driving to Blue's house, where we would put the plan into action.

"I don't know y/n, is this really a good idea?'' Ink's voice cut through the silence, penetrating my thoughts.

"Yes Ink. I'll be fine. I got a whole bag of art supplies and books and other things so I don't go insane while I'm there. I even packed a notebook full of the most important things so I wouldn't forget them." My eyes didn't leave the road, but I could see the concerned look on Ink's face through the corner of them.

The rest of the ride was silent, and when we got to Blue's house, he still seemed worried about me. I kept reassuring the two that I would be fine, that there was nothing to worry about. After about 20 minutes of explaining to them how I would keep from going crazy to them, Ink opened the portal to an empty white void. I tied my hair back, grabbed my bag, and threw it over my shoulders. Before stepping through, I gave them both a hug. I ran through giving them a salut as the portal closed.

"Don't worry guys. This'll work. I promise."

The portal shut, leaving me with an eerie silence. I sat down, and pulled my sketchbook from my bag, drawing. I started with a base, then started added details. My eyes scanned over the drawing, and I recognized the very reason I was here. Error was staring back at me, his menacing eyes piercing through the paper. He had a sadistic smile on his face, as if he knew our plan, and was ready to sabotage it. But we had a secret. Or at least I did. Something that would secure our victory in case Error does attack. And he doesn't know it. Ink doesn't know it. Not even Blue knows it. But it will work. This plan. This plan will work.

After about an hour of drawing, I got bored. I put my sketchbook in the bag and layed on the somehow existing ground. I stared at the 'ceiling' and started to think. How long am I gonna be here? Will this plan even work.... No, it has to work. Even if I die trying we will get Chara back. I yawned and curled up in a ball, starting to drift off to sleep


I blinked open my eyes, squinting at the new found brightness. For a moment, I forgot where I was and freaked out, but then I realized I'm in the antivoid waiting for Error. I stood up, stretching my legs with a satisfying pop, and went to grab my bag. Except it wasn't there. My eyes widened and I looked all around me. Did someone take the bag? Did someone move it? Was I moved? I couldn't tell. A warp like sound was heard behind me and I turned around to see my sketchbook laying open to a page. I picked it up, it was the page where I had drawn ink and error, but written across it with black marker were the words "IT WON'T WORK". My heart stopped. Error took my bag. My one way of not going insane here. He's doing it on purpose. He's gonna slowly drive me to insanity before showing himself so I can't do anything. Why didn't I think he would do that? I'm a idiot... wait. The buzzer! I can just call ink over here with it and we can try another thing. I reached for the buzzer clipped to my jean hem but... it was gone. I let out a scream. I was truly alone now...

"WHY?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! ALL I WANTED... all I wanted was my friend back. Why won't you just give her back?!" I shouted, not expecting anyone to hear me let alone answer. I was alone here. Tears poured down my face and I collapsed to the ground, sobbing. I'm gonna die here. There's nothing I can do. The buzzer is gone and so is everything else. I can't do anything.

Ink's pov (gosh a new pov??)

I was pacing around with anxiety. Error should have come by now. Why hasn't y/n called for us yet? I glanced at the radio, shaking my head and pacing again. She was fine. She's a tough kid who can handle herself. I shouldn't be worried. Maybe Error was just busy? A sudden thud behind me snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned around and saw y/n's notebook lying on the ground. But I thought-

"INK!" Blue shouted at me, crouching next to the notebook. It was open to a specific page, the one we wrote our plan on. I sat next to Blue and he shoved the notebook in my face. Written in large, bold letters was "IT WON'T WORK". I stared at it for a few minutes, my eyelights rapidly changing colors as I tried to figure out what to do. If Error knows about the plan... we're doomed.

"We have to get to the antivoid right now Blue. He might have gotten y/n by now!" I jumped up, grabbing my paintbrush and swooping it across the wall. Instead of the vast whiteness with the girl, all I got was glitchy static. He was blocking my portal with his own. I should have known he was smarter than that.

I fell to my knees in front of the portal, Blue rushing to my side. Tears gathered in my eye sockets, something that hasn't happened in a long time. I let out a frustrated cry, the tears spilling out as I hit my fists on the floor. He outsmarted us, and we may have just lost y/n in the process.

WHO BOY A LONGER CHAPTER. Finally startin to get to the good stuff. So school's finally out for summer and I can finally put more focus on this story again! Now that my massive writer's block is gone, thanks to Teddy helping me with the story, we can actually get somewhere with it. Honestly this is one of the first stories I've written that had a plot before the actual story. The story may not last much longer after this, because it was gonna be a shorter, sweet story, but I dunno. We'll just see where it goes. Thanks for reading and don't forget, comments and votes make my day! Love you all!


A Blur of Beige (Ink Sans X Reader) ((UNDER EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now