C H A P T E R 9

481 16 31

I jumped, turning around. A certain skeleton was standing there, grinning insanely. I yelped, jumping back. He started towards me, and I dove and rolled out of the way. I stumbled, and I realized just how much I needed food. I started to feel dizzy and my movements were slow and heavy. Ink was shouting something, but I couldn't make out words. I had started to black out, but something caught me. I looked up to see Blue. He sat down holding me close, and I turned to see Ink battling with Error. It was hazy, and Blue was trying to give me a granola bar which I was pushing away.

"Y/n! Blue! Watch out!" Ink's shout cut clearly through my mind. I looked up to see blue strings coming right at us. In a split second decision, I shoved blue away from me. Blue yelped and shouted to me. The strings curled around me, but didn't actually touch me.

"W-w-what the?!"

I stood with a newfound strength, smirking. All of them were staring at me in shock and disbelief. Waving away the strings, I walked up to Error.

"Guess what. You can't grab what's not there"

"You don't have a soul?" I looked over at ink. His eyelights were rapidly changing. I opened my mouth to respond, but error suddenly wrapped his strings around my waist. I yelped.

"I-ink!" My breathing was shortening, and I could feel him pulling the strings tighter. Ink quickly snapped out of whatever daze he was in and attacked Error. The strings loosened and I stumbled back. Ink snapped, and a portal opened, him dragging blue and I through it. I collapsed against him, panting.

"You need food." Ink picked me up, setting me on the couch. I quietly protested, not that it did much. I was starving. Blue ran into the kitchen, walking out a minute later with a glass of water.

"T-thanks Blue." My voice was really dry. He nodded, and I gulped down the drink. Ink walked in holding a bowl of what I'm guessing is soup. He sets it on the table.

"Sorry, it's not much, it's the only thing I know how to make without burning it" I weakly laughed at that. He picked up the spoon, and held it carefully to me. I leaned forward and took the spoon in my mouth. He smiled and continued to spoon feed me the soup. After the bowl was empty he stood up.

"Get some sleep y/n. You need it" He gave me a sweet smile, and I felt my face heat up. I tried to ignore it, nodding and rolling over.


I was starting to wake up, and I heard Ink and Blue muttering to each other. One of them was sitting on the couch by my feet, and I'm assuming the other is sitting in front of the couch. I was about to turn around, but a certain part of their conversation made me stop.

"Ink... do you think she'll be ok?" Blue's voice was soft, full of concern and he was trying his best to keep it down.

"I can only hope Blue... the antivoid could mess her up but... she's strong."

"She's one of the strongest people I know. Ink I can see that you care about her. Probably more than you care about yourself."

"...you're not wrong there. She's special. She needs to be protected."

"I mean more than that. Ink... do you love her?"
"My emotions are artificial. I can't feel anything without my vials" They both went quiet after that. I decided to break the awkward atmosphere by yawning and stretching. Turning around, I saw that Ink had a worried look on his face, and Blue was looking at me concerned. I smiled at them.

"Are you feeling better? Do you feel sick or anything?" Ink sounded so concerned... it was adorable.

"I'm fine Ink. Sleep helped a lot." I yawned, rubbing my eyes sleepily. Sitting up, I looked from Ink to Blue. They both looked worried about me, but I shrugged them off. I gave them a smile, then stood up stretching.

"Y'know, I should really get home. I don't know how long I was there but I miss my bed." I laughed, walking to the door. Ink grabbed my wrist. I turned to him, a bit startled.

"Please let me go with you. I want to make sure you won't get hurt." I sighed, shrugging. His concerned face was too difficult to say no to.

"Sure, that'd be nice." I smiled more. He cheered, following me out the door. I giggled at his enthusiasm as he was excitedly rambling about art and painting together or something. My mind, however, was focused on something else. How would we get Chara back now?

Ahhh I know I know I literally took a month with this update. I'm sorry. I've been kinda procrastinating but also been doing a bunch of other stuff. This chapter is a bit longer so I hope that makes up for it. And don't worry, the story isn't ending for at least a few more chapters ;). Don't forget to vote and comment, I love seeing your feedback on my story!


A Blur of Beige (Ink Sans X Reader) ((UNDER EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now