C H A P T E R 1

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I woke up on a familiar green couch. Confusion overtook me. Why was I at the skelebros house? I sat up, and boy did my head hurt. A wave of dizziness washed over me and I was forced to lay back down. Chara entered the room, seeing me. In the blink of an eye she had tackled me, her arms wrapped around my torso tightly.

"Oh my god y/n! Are you ok? What happened last night. Did you get hurt?" I couldn't help but giggle at her concern.

"One question at a time Chara. First of all, yes I am fine. Second, I'm not entirely sure. And third, not that I know of, other than a splitting headache."

She let out a sigh of relief knowing I was generally ok. A small blue thread on my sweater caught my attention. I carefully picked it up between two fingers, examining it. It was kinda weird. It was like a thin yet strong rope. Chara noticed me looking at it and got closer to look at it as well.

"...what's that?"

"Not too sure. It's kinda neat though." and with that, I shoved it in my pocket. Chara looked like she was about to say something, but was interrupted by Blue's call.


Chara rushed into the kitchen, pushing off of my stomach. I let out a huff before carefully making my way into the kitchen. Papyrus, who was already sitting at the table, immediately rushed to my side to help.

"Kid what happened?" his voice was filled with concern as he reached into a cabinet grabbing some pain medications. I shrugged,

"I'm not entirely sure. All I remember is Chara calling me in the middle of the night and waking up on the couch."

Papyrus handed me the medicine and a glass. I popped the pills in my mouth and took a chug of the water. "Chara heard a crash down here. She rushed out and you were on the floor, out cold." I shrugged again, not really able to piece together what happened with so little information. There was one thing that had stuck in my head, however. It was a faint memory, but at the same time it was vivid. I stood up, grabbing the sketchbook I kept at their house and a pencil, and started sketching. First it was the scarf, then the clothing, then the sash, and finally, his face. As my pencil hovered over it, I realized I didn't have any idea what this mysterious person's face looked like. I thought a moment, before taking my pencil and scribbling over where the main features would be. I pressed my finger against the paper and smudged the pencil, leaving it like a foggy cloud rather than a scribble. Papyrus looked over my shoulder at my drawing.

"Who's that?"

"Hmm. Not too sure. I just kinda saw him yesterday on my way home." I flipped to another page and started doodling, paying no mind to the plate that was soon put in front of me.


I drove home (much to Chara's dismay) later that day. She kept insisting that I stay but I told her I needed to head home and clean myself up. After a while she reluctantly let me leave. As I was driving home, my mind raced with thoughts. What had happened last night? Why was I at the skelebros? Why... why don't I remember anything? I was snapped out of my thoughts by a loud scream. Zoning back in, I floored my break, barely missing a kid. They were frozen in place from fear, and so was I. I was breathing heavily and my adrenaline had shot up, making me forget what I was thinking about. After the kid made it off the road (safe and unhurt, thankfully) I started home again, paying full attention to the road. The peaceful scenery that is my neighborhood moved past as I continued down the street. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something. It was that same color that seemed to follow me everywhere. That same beige.

I looked over, but by the time I did, it was gone. I sighed, taking a turn onto my street. After parking my car, I got my house key out and put it in the lock. That's when I saw it. In the bush next to my porch. A piece of the beige cloth. Glancing around briefly, I picked up the cloth and examined it. It seemed to have been torn off, but why was it in my bush? Horror struck through me. I turned to my door, put my hand on the doorknob, and turned it. The doorknob turned with ease, and I pushed the door open. Relief washed over me when I saw that everything was in the same place I had left it. Taking my key out of the lock, I put my keys on the little rack I had next to my door and headed to my room. I flopped on my bed with a sigh, holding the cloth above me. It was slightly dirty, probably from being in the bush, and had faint writing on it. I couldn't make out what it said, just smudges of ink here and there. I shrugged, tossing both the cloth and the string I had found earlier on my nightstand. I curled up on my bed, and drifted into an undisturbed sleep.

So there's Chapter 1! I have like 5 chapters written and I couldn't wait to get them out. My fingers hurt from typing so much though .-. Something I forgot to mention in the last chapter is that the reader wears glasses. It was pretty obvious but I figured I should mention that it's also important for the progression of the story. Hope you guys are enjoying the story! Imma go sleep now.

A Blur of Beige (Ink Sans X Reader) ((UNDER EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now