C H A P T E R 3

693 18 5

It felt like an eternity we stared at each other, neither of us making a move or saying a word. Finally, I cleared my throat in the suffocating quiet. He seemed to snap out of whatever daze he was in, blinking rapidly. His face turned from concern to that smirk I had drawn.

"Hi there! I'm Ink. What's your name?" I stayed silent. I was still in shock. He looked at me, seeming to be awaiting a response.

"My name is y/n" My voice was barely a whisper. He looked at me confused. I sighed quietly, repeating myself louder.

"Y/n, huh? That's a pretty name." my face reddened at the compliment, and I looked down. My hair fell down in front of my face. I was about to write something down when my phone went off. I unlocked it and opened the message.

1 new message


Me- alright Blue, I'll be home in just a bit

I put my phone down and looked back at Ink. A question popped into my head and I sighed quietly.

"My friend was taken and we can't figure out what happened to her. Can you help?" He took the sketchbook from my hands and looked at the drawing I made.

"...yeah. I can help you." I smiled gratefully as he handed my sketchbook back. I set it in one of the drawers of the dresser before walking towards the waterfall. As I walked out, I grabbed his wrist and dragged him with me. He stumbled a little before following me. He freed his wrist from my grasp and walked next to me. I kept my eyes forward, making my way back to the skelebros house. Ink looked around the surface once we were up. It was about noon, so the sun was shining down on me.


After about an hour of walking, we finally made it to the skelebros house. Before entering the house, I unlocked my car and reached into the glove box, pulling out a white board and a set of markers. Ink watched me with a confused look on his face as I closed the door and relocked my car. I made my way to the front door, Ink scurrying after me, and flung the door open. Papyrus and Blue both turned toward me. Papyrus' eyes were drawn to the white board in my hands and Blue's were drawn to the skeleton standing behind me. I walked in and sat on the couch. Ink followed in, standing next to the couch awkwardly as Papyrus glared at him.

"Guys, this is Ink. He's gonna help us get Chara back"

Papyrus let out a growl. "I know who he is. What is he doing here." I blinked in surprise, but quickly pushed my questions aside. I looked at Papyrus with a 'don't start at it' look. He huffed and took a sip of honey. Blue looked excited, which I much preferred compared to his serious or blank look.

"HELLO AGAIN INK! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?" Wait, Blue knows him too? What have these two not been telling me?

"Hia Blue. I've been pretty good. You?" Ink's reply just confused me more. It must have shown on my face because Blue started to explain.

"INK AND I MET AFTER AN... EVENT THAT HAPPENED IN THE UNDERGROUND." the answer didn't help much, but I couldn't be bothered about that now.

"Alright, that's not the point of this. So how are we gonna get Chara back?" Blue and Papyrus shrugged, and Ink looked like he had something to say.

"Well, it's not going to be very easy. Error is tricky, so chances are he's planning something. He's also difficult to locate. He can travel anywhere in the Multiverse, but so can I, so we have that advantage." I shook off the confusion that nipped at my brain and started writing some stuff do. Before I finished, however, Blue spoke up.

"MAYBE WE SHOULD START PLANNING TOMORROW. IT'S GETTING KINDA LATE." I glanced outside and sure enough, the sun had begun setting. I shrugged, using the sleeve of my sweater to wipe the board clean.

'Blue's right. We should all get some sleep and worry about this tomorrow.' Papyrus and Ink nodded in agreement.

Papyrus had gone upstairs to read Blue his bedtime story, and I started my way out the door. I stopped an inch before the door, noticing Ink not following. I looked back at him. He noticed, looking up surprised and confused. I rolled my eyes and waved him over. He rushed over, following me out the door and to my car.

"I can just go back to the doodle sphere tonight, it's not a big de-" I held up a hand to stop him.

"If you're gonna help us with Chara, you're staying. I get the sense that Papyrus doesn't like you much, so you can stay in my guest room." He looked like he wanted to argue, but didn't. I left it at that and started the car, driving home. He tried to start a conversation, but I stayed quiet

"You don't talk much, do you?" I shrugged. He let out a thoughtful hum, turning towards the windshield. It was silent the rest of the ride home.

Sorry this took a little longer to get out. I'm kinda under some major stress and needed a mental break. Something I probably should have mentioned in the last chapter is that there are a few things that I took from comics and put in here. One of them is the ask error comic. This kind of takes place after that whole thing. Another one is the ink in underswap comic. Just thought I should mention that those two events occurred in this. So yah. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

A Blur of Beige (Ink Sans X Reader) ((UNDER EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now