Chapter 1: "You think my boyfriend's hot?"

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Ok here I go, my first time writing a story. Please vote and comment and read!!! thanks :)

Sean O'Donnell to the right----->


"Hey Elle, you ready?" asked my best friend, Leah her brown hair catching the highlights of the sun. “You’re even slow in Aussie terms and that is saying something!”

“Ha ha,” I give her a fake glare. I am being extra slow and for a good reason. My family has just moved here from Canada as Leah’s dad persuaded our family. She’s been here eleven years so I can’t blame her for forgetting what it’s like to do the whole moving to a new country thing,

Leah visited us back home in Canada fairly frequently but that’s different because she’s just with me and she knows all my friends.

Leah’s taking me to go meet her boyfriend and his friends today at a footy game. She wanted me to meet them before school starts, which is tomorrow.

It’s obvious that she wants to get me hooked, but from what I’ve seen on the internet and stuff Australian boys aren't all that, they seem so primitive compared to the guys back home so I'm not really looking forward to that part of it.

"Okay. Let me just change." I answer rolling my eyes as her face breaks into a smug grin.

"I'll meet you in the car!"

I decided to quickly put on a tank top with skinny jeans and I leave my hair out. I wear my white converse and put some mascara and foundation on to cover the bags underneath my eyes from jet lag,  then, run out. I really wanted to take my car, the new Toyota supra, but she insisted on taking her Subaru WRX.

I hop in her car and hear a wolf whistle.

"Damn, you look smoking. I won’t be surprised if you end up getting a boyfriend by tonight."

"Shut up," I deadpan.

In the ten minutes we drive, I can’t help but stare out at the scenery and compare it to home as Leah prattles on happily.


We get to a sports field.

 "He's got a footy game so we'll watch that and then head down to the change rooms after the game where we can see him." I've already seen Matthew plenty of times over facetime and we have messaged here and there, but today I was actually going to meet him.

He has this best friend that Leah always talks about... Austin or something like that. God the amount of stuff I have heard about Matthew, I could write a biography about him.

We both run inside and grab the seats all the way at the front.

The players run out onto the field and I notice one boy within seconds. He has beautiful brown hair the type you’d love to run your fingers through and I can literally see his six packs- yes PACKS through his shirt. I bet he's not even Aussie, because Australian boys can’t be THAT hot!

He looks around obviously checking who’s turned up to ogle him and his gaze meets mine. Oh! His eyes.... I quickly look away and notice him give me a smile. Oh god... his smile. I feel my face heating up.

"Eeeehhhhhh.... Hey Elle, there’s Matthew. He's shirt number 4," Leah squeals jumping around on her seat like its five hundred degrees.

"Oh ok. I-"

"Why are you blushing? You think my boyfriends hot?" she bumps her shoulder in to mine.

"No- well yeah he's good looking but, that's not why."

"Why you blushing then?"

"Don't worry." I mumble fiddling with my watch.

I watch him play on the field. God, he’s hot and he can play! But I’m not one to fall for boys just because they’re hot.

After around forty five minutes, the game ended and Leah practically dragged me over to the change rooms. 
"Ok, after we meet Matt, I want you to meet someone else," Leah slyly says with her waggling eyebrows.

"Ok... Who?" 

"You'll see" she smirks. 
Well it's obvious she wants to get me hooked up with this someone else. No way in hell is that actually going to happen though. When we entered, we went through a tunnel and finally got into the change room. I smelt deodorant and sweat. I hear wolf whistles being thrown towards us and lots of flirty smiles. I roll my eyes. Finally a familiar face comes walking towards us.

The guy I've been waiting to see.



Sorry its short!! I'm just trying it out. If I get a good response with this chapter then I will make the next chapter longer :) Please vote comment and read :) and by they way SEAN O'DONNELL= <3 <3<3<3<3


Book: After by imaginator 1d (Wattpad book)

Song: Soldier- Samantha Jade

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