Chapter 2: "...and this is Austin."

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Hey guys! So I got a couple of responses for the first chapter so I thought, why not continue. Let me know what you think. Xx
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"Hey, Eliannah!! It's great to finnnaalllllyyy meet you!" Mathew happily says. I notice his deep blue eyes and by seeing him in real life, I realise how perfect he is for Leah.

"Yah, it's great to finally meet you too. All Leah talks about is you." I groan sarcastingly. Leah elbows me and mutters, "Shut up."

"Alright, enough with all the introductions... You guys want to do something?" Leah questions.

By this point, Matthews other friends started to join us.
I see a brown haired guy with green eyes who looks really sweet. He sends a small, heartwarming smile towards me and next to him stands, Abercrombie. Yeah I named the guy I saw on the field Abercrombie. He looks like a model, so why not?

"Umm.. I don't know." I really am not in the mood to go anywhere. I practically was dragged to this footy game and I'm still suffering from jet lag. 
Matt please say no!

"Yeah sure, let's all go to macca's" Matt suggests.
Great! Can this day get any better.
Note the sarcasm.
And on top of all of that, I have no idea what a macca's is.

"Hey Matt, you never told us you were bringing a hot chick." Shouted a dirty blonde haired guy from across the change room. After saying that he threw a wink in my direction- yep he's definitely a player. Matt sticks his finger at him and ignores him, clearily portraying that he doesn't like him.

"Finn, Austin.. this is Eliannah, Leah's best friend. She just moved from Canada 2 days ago.
Elle, This is Finn and Austin. My best mates." Matt introduces.
Austin, so that's what Abercrombie's name is. And Finn is the brown haired sweet guy. Got it.
"Hey Eliannah nice to meet you." Finn grins, his green eyes twinkling.

"Just call me Elle. Nice to meet you too."
I say back.
I notice how much of a calm and content guy Finn is, whereas Abercrombie over there stands there in silence with a blank expression plastered on his face, making me feel like he is studying me. That guys weird. Literally every guy in this change room has acted flirtatious, but him. He hasn't payed any attention to me. Not that I want him too- it's just rude. 
He continues to look at me with a quirked eyebrow and a blank expression, so I do the same.
I cross my arms and quirk my eyebrow, wiping all emotions off my face to match his.
He realises that I am imitating him, and grins. 
You can tell that his grin, is his grin. It's the type that makes your insides melt and make you forget abouy all your worries.

I se Scott coming towards us, specifically me.. He stops right beside me and puts his hand around my waist. He tries to bite his lip in a seductive way. 
"Hey, sweet cheeks. Maybe we can 'hang out' sometime?" He winks.
I raise my eyebrow. He does something one more time and..I swear.
I elbow him gently and squirm my way out of his hold, and after that a scent comes across my nose.
The scent brings back happy memories and makes me want to smell it all day long. It's a mixture of fire smoke and mint with a hint of cherry. I look up to trace the smell and trace it back to Abercrombie. He stands close to Scott and me.
"Piss off Scott. She's not that type of girl." he says with his husky, rough voice.
They both glare at eachother, until Matthew comes in between them.

"Alright guys, break it up and let's get going." Matt strenly says.
"Whoever wants to come then come. All of you have your own cars, if you don't just hitch a ride with someone else." Matthew orders.
He turns to face me and smiles.
"Who do you want to go with?" He asks.

All heads shoot in my direction.
"Ummm.. I don't know." I know that Matt will probably go with Leah, which means I will have to go with someone else. 
Then that's when Leah decides to open her fricken big mouth,"Austin, do you mind taking her? I only have 2 seats in my car." she says, sending a wink in my direction.
Thanks a lot Leah! She shoots me another look and I figure out that this is the 'someone else' she wanted me to meet. Great... Just great!

"Yeah sure." Austin replies.
I notice his accent... Californian? I knew he wasn't Australian!
He looks at me and smiles and a sense of security and gentleness overcomes me.
Who is this guy?
And what is he like?
I am determined to find out.


Book: Celebrity Status by writerbug44 (wattpad book)

song: the one that got away by civil wars


I may or may not use them :) i need people for finn and scott. I will be adding in new charcaters soon :) Does anybody know a reallllllyy pretty person who could play Leah?

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