Chapter 21: "...Do you like Austin?"

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Eliannah's outfits to the side!!! or up above!!

"Stop." I say before turning my head away.
I can't believe he just tried to kiss me. 
That was so awkward.
All of a sudden, he pushes me. "Elle." He says.
He pushes me again. "Elle!" 
I moan. Why is he pushing me. 
I jump up and open my eyes. 
Oh thank god. It was just a dream!
Suddenly, I feel my butt hit the rock hard floor. 
"OWW!" I yell, jumping up and rubbing my sore butt.
"Leah!!!" I shout.

"Sorry!!!! You just weren't waking up." She shrugs.

"You are such a pain in my ass." I laugh.. pun intended.

She chuckles. "That was actually kinda funny and lame at the same time. Now hurry up and get ready! I'm taking you shopping!!!" She orders.

What? Why is she.... Ohhhh!!!
Tonight is the date with Michael.
Quite frankly, I'm kind of nervous. I like Michael.. he's a sweet guy and he's handsome which is just another benefit. 
Though, I'm scared. 
It's the first dating/relationship related thing I've done since Kale.

"Oh yeah. Ok well it's already 10, so I'll just get ready and then we'll head off." I plan.
I brush my teeth and hair, and decide to wear a black top with my floral leggings and black converse. Since it's a bit chilly outside, and inside the shops its colder, I decide to wear my cardigan.
In 10 minutes, I get ready and walk with Leah out to my car.
On the way to the shops we make small talk.
"So, how are you feeling?" Leah asks me.

"Yeah, alright. Just a bit nervous." I admit.

"Yeah that's understandable. Well.. do you actually like Michael?" She asks.

"Yeah.  I think I do. He's a nice guy and I feel like he is a guy that cares for me." I tell her. 

"Well..I'm happy for you. I hope it works out." My best friend says trying to comfort me.

We arrive, and begin to shop. The first shop we enter is witchery. 
Leah pulls out some dresses/tops and skirts for me and I pull out one that I think would look nice.
The first one I try on is a pink halter neck dress which is long at the back and short at the front.

"Not your colour." Leah states, crinkling her nose.

I then try on a white racer crop top with a floral skirt. 
I don't even bother showing Leah because it looks so bad.
I try on the last dress, a black sequin dress.

"You look like Edward Cullen in the sun, except you are shining black." She laughs.
I agree with her and proceed to the next store, forever new.

The 2 dresses I choose from this store are, a black lace high neck skater dress and a dark blue bodycon dress.

The bodycon one looked alright.. but it just wasn't the one, whereas the black one looked like I was going to a funeral.

We shop around some more and finally enter the last store, Bardot.
"I swear, if you don't choose a dress here, I'm going to buy the dark blue bodycon one from Forever new." I warn her.

"Well bardot is amazing. I'm sure we will find something here." Leah states, before she stops, grabs my arm and shrieks.
"That's it! The dress." 
She runs over and picks up a black dress which is high at the front and low at the back. 
I smile and agree. It's perfect. 
Not too formal, not too dressy... just right. It has class.
I grab it off the rack and buy it before Leah changes her mind.

We head home after all the agonising shopping and realise that I have only 3 hours till he arrives. 
Michael said he will pick me up at 7, and it's 4 now.
I take a shower and then blow dry my hair.
Leah decides to leave my hair out and lightly curl it, so that it bounces.
She puts on some foundation and thick eyeliner with a cat flick. She uses a lot of mascara for volume and puts some nude lipstick, with lip gloss to make my lips shine. 
Finally, she finishes and puts a beautiful necklace on.
"The dress is very simple, so a dressy necklace will go with it." She assesses.
I decide to put on my black heels and grab my black and gold clutch.

The doorbell rings.
" I go." I prepare.

Leah walks me downstairs and I see my brother giving him a earful.
"Remember, if you try anything that she doesn't like, I'll kick your ass. And before you do ANYTHING, think...will Bailey like it? Will he approve? If the answer is NO, then don't do it, otherwise I will rip you a new one." He warns. brother is pretty graphic.
He turns around and smiles. 
"Oh! Eliannah! We were waiting for you. I was just telling Michael here to have fun and have you back by 11:30." He smoothly lies, though he knows that I know he's lying.

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