Day 21. A journey

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In the year 2023, scientists have made a discovery of over sixteen different other dimensions and out of those dimensions, scientists have researched one that is most similar to ours. Now, a few brave souls are going on a journey to explore this dimension.

January 16th, | 2023  | 10:34 | The lab.

This is a journal to document my journey to this dimension but let me introduce myself. I am Harris Geonevian. A reporter, journalist and a scientist. I have volunteered to go on this exciting but dangerous mission. I am quite nervous to what we may expect and if this all goes smoothly. I am also going with three other people. Juliette, Gardenia and my brother, Travis. They are setting up the equipment right now and explaining a safety precaution. I better go.

Same day, different time. | 11:58 | In a condensed space.

This space we are in right now is just barely large enough to fit all four of us. This was a test to see if we could stay together and be okay as we travel through dimensions. The scientists predict that the space will be very small and delicate. Therefore, not too much movement and we have to squeeze to fit. I am honestly feeling a little claustrophobic at the moment since Travis is smashed up against my face. I know this whole ideas seems psycho and impossible but I have personally witnessed the powers of the machine that allows us to access other dimensions. It's powers are immense and something that should not be doubted. We can't really even talk to each other and I struggle to write. But it seems like they are letting us out now. I better prepare for what is up next. 

Still today | 13:45 | Just next to the machine.

My palms are sweating as I am suited up in this odd, padded black suit. It's giving me a partial wedgie and really quite uncomfortable but the experts say it will help us as we travel into the other dimension. I am not really sure what to expect from this journey. Maybe some cure for cancer, maybe a way to make this world better, maybe make some new friends—or enemies. This other dimension I think is some beautiful world, far better than ours and I really hope this trip would be worth it. They are getting us ready and bugging me to stop writing in my journal. This is how I will document this trip, did they not want any proof of this trip? The machine is turned on now and the scientists are giving us tips as we enter the dimension, me being last. I've got to put this away safely if I want it to write in there. Wish me luck.

Same day I think | 20:27 according to my watch | In the other dimension. 

It's dark where we are, with only our flashlights providing a small amount of light. That is how I am able to write right now. This place appears very deserted. No sign of life so far, just buildings that look vividly similar to ours. I think that we are walking down an alley that smells like a cat after being outside in a rain storm and ketchup...? Smell seems unfamiliar but Travis just bumped into an object that made a loud clang. It startled Juliette and made Gardenia to shriek. I stayed low and in the back, shushing them. 

We burst out and into a busy-ish street that was also almost deserted but some vehicles whirling by. Gardenia jumped into action and took high speed photos of the vehicle but as the flash went off, I heard a snarl from close-by. Travis and I automatically leaped into defense mode and grabbed a gun from the backpacks that clung to our backs, providing some source of survival. We wouldn't be here too long either, perhaps a few days. We aren't' entirely sure how they will get us back but they simply told us they would get us out, one way or another. That seems reassuring right? 

From the source of the snarl jumped out a creature that looked like a person without any features—no eyes, no face, no hands—just a lean, small, quick creature that seemed to almost be rotting. It was as if it were a zombie. But it wasn't. I appeared solid and perhaps not that healthy though. It really didn't have anything but teeth. Long, sharp teeth, filling it's entire mouth when opened. Out from it's mouth pour out some liquid that when it dropped to the ground, made a sizzling sound. It seemed like acid. I felt panicked. I could see Gardenia creeping closer to Travis for safety. I gripped my hand guns tightly and slowly put my finger to the trigger, ready to fire at will. 

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