Dear him,
Thanks for pointing out my flaws, telling me that I'm not perfect. I know what's my weak point, I know what's not perfect about me. I know it. There is no need for you to point it out boldly. I know I have a short temper, I get it. So stop repeating it continuously.
Dear you,
Thank you for being my friend, and being there for me. I love you with all my heart, and don't know what I'd do without you. Although I probably never met you, it feels like I've known you forever. I trust you and no one else. So let me say this again, thank you.
Dear them,
I hate how you guys act like you are cooler and better than everyone. You are in a 'group', alright, cool. You have your special 'secrets' that when I ask, you say, "sorry I can't tell". I hate that, a lot. I feel so excluded. But you know what, I would kind of rather be alone than in your group.
Dear her,
You were my best friend, until you moved. We would always fight and compete with each other, but I must say, we make the perfect team. You were smarter than me, but I was brighter than you. I'll make the design and you can create, is that a deal?
Dear life,
I want to thank you especially for allowing me to meet these people whom I may or may not like. This letter is entirely dedicated to you. Thank you.

30 day Creative writing challenge!
Short StoryThis is a creative writing challenge off of tumblr I guess :) 1. Something you love ♥ 2. A couple. 3. Your favorite food :D 4. A pair of eyeglasses. 5. Something historical. 6. Family. 7. A pet who is loved ♥ 8. Something personal. 9. A love poe...