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Years after the remember Maxie concert, Adam sat outside of his room on a balcony. He leaned up against the railing, looking up toward the stars.

Just a few minutes ago, he found a letter addressed to him. It was an old letter, and had the same handwriting as Max. He was afraid to open it.

Around midnight he did, infancy open it. and the letter read,


If you are reading this, I am long since dead. I am sorry that I left you, but at the time I thought it was the right thing. Now, with me god know where I regret my decision. I miss you. I miss Neil, Brad, Barry. Hell, I even miss Matt.

I just want to tell you this one thing. No matter what pain you feel, no matter how empty, of broken, I want you to live. I want you to live the remainder of your life living in my memory. I don't want you to die, just because I did.

I love you. you were my dad, friend, brother, idol. and i miss you uncontrollably. I miss you, and that's all there is too it.

And Adam, please don't forget me. because I haven't forgotten you.



Adam cried as he read the letter. But he kept the message, the words at heart. he would not forget her.

The lesson of this trilogy is to teach you something. I wrote this to teach you that no matter how broken you fell, no matter what people are saying about you, I want you to live your lives to the fullest.

We express our pain through music. if you haven't really listened to songs like never too late or over and over, you will never know the pain hidden behind it.

And one more thing, Max may be one forever, but there is a place for her remembrance, her story in your heart.

*This book is not based on true events.*

Gone Forever: a three days grace fan fic: book threeWhere stories live. Discover now