chapter one

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Adams pov

I sat on my bed. I was staring at the wall in front of me. I did this every day for about an hour after I woke up. I just sat on my bed, staring at the ceiling in front of me. I did this every day since Maxie killed herself. I did this every day, since the day she left me.

I know I screwed up. I always did. I always screw up. but this time, I screwed up big time. I let the life of a young girl that looked up to me slip in between my finger tips. I caused Max's death. Its all my fault that she is dead. She is dead, and she is never coming back.

I made a promise on the day of her funeral. I promised her that her death would not be in vain. I promised that I was going to live her life for her. but I just needed to start living my life for myself. I couldn't get over the fact that she was dead. I keep expecting her to walk through that door, telling me that its time to get ready for the day.

Sometimes I imagine her in front of me, telling me that she loves me. but every time I try to hug her, she vanishes. I'm seeing her ghost. and I keep thinking that she's alive, that she's real. but its just a mental picture I have in my head.

She's gone. I'm never seeing her again.

My door opened. I perked up a little bit, expecting Max to walk through the door, but its just Brad, coming to tell me that it was time to get up.

I now lived with Brad, after the fact that Naomi and I are in bad terms. She didn't even show up at Max's funeral. And I think, that we were going into a divorce, I already know that she got a online dating account, and she is looking for a new boyfriend. so I guess I lost her, just like I lost Max. all I need to do is sign divorce papers, and then I would be free of Naomi.

"Adam. Its time to get up." Brad said, smacking me in the face. It didn't hurt, it just stung a little. but it was his way to get me up in the morning.

"Fine." I said.

It was time for me to live yet another day without Max. and I hated this life without her. 

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