Chapter 1

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Alice's POV

"Come on!" Ashley shouted from a far gesturing me to follow her.

"Yeah, wait!" I chuckled, "Its very hard to carry your goddamn heavy clothes!" I added and sighed.

"May I help you with that?" I heard someone said. When I looked up, it was Luke, my sister's friend.

"No its ----" I was cut off by Luke while he grabbed Ashley's bag.

"If a fine young woman needs help, a gentleman will allow himself to help her" He carried Ashley's bag like it was nothing. For me, it wasnt.

"Your calling yourself a gentleman?" I asked him, quite amused. "If your a gentleman, why am I carrying this?" I lifted my bag and chuckled.

"Well, you didnt ----" I cut him off, "Just go!" I giggled and gestured him to go.

We were at a hotel, its just a vacation with me and my family.

"Why are you here?" I asked Luke, maybe his family's having a vacation here too.

"Were having a vacation here!" Yeah, I was right, 3 points for me. "What's your number? You know, your room!" He added, smirking. I thought that he was asking for my number. Silly me.

"Room 101" I chuckled and gesturing him to go to the elavator. "Lets go!" I added.

"Well, my room is 103. Were just one room apart, were going to see each other very often" He smiled, showing his deep dimples.

"I guess so" I giggled. "Whats the number of the floor?" I asked, pointing at the numbers.

"Floor 6" He pressed the number 6 and off we go! "Why arent you with your family?" He added.

"Mom and dad, went ahead. Ashley, I guess, went to the beach! And they left me. So, thank you for this!" I smiled, blushing

"Well, your welcome!" He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled.

Then we laughed for no reason, and I guess his just like me. STUPID! And I like it.

"Diiinnng!" The elavator dinged. "Lets go!" He went outside and gestured me to follow him.

"Well here you go!" He layed the bags on the floor and went to his room.

"Luke! Thank you again" I waved him goodbye as he nodded. I went inside the room and it looks amazing. Spell amused, A-L-I-C-E!

"Hey, sweetie! Sorry for leaving you, we just saw the Hemmings family!" Mom hugged me and I assured her that Im fine.

"Yeah, I know. I was with Luke Hemmings, their child!" I emphasized the last word.

I was really tired due to the trip. "Mom, where's my room?" I looked everywhere but to no luck, I didnt see it. It was just a big room to have.

"Right there!" Mom pointed at a door. When I opened it, it was very well decorated, this is what I like and I want to have! I jumped and layed on my bed, I just need to rest and that's all.

"Mom, I'm going to sleep!" I shouted. I didnt hear anything what Mom said but fell into a deep sleep.


Hey Guys! This is my first fanfic and I hope you like it. Thanks for reading. I hope this chapter is long. Thank you again! Love you guys!

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