Chapter 7

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Alice's POV

How embarrasing, right? Just watch your back Luke Hemmings. I'll get you, I'll get you good!

"I love him?" I whisper a question to myself. Im really confused right now and honestly I dont know but somehow my mind made an answer.

"I do like him!" I said, feeling happy that I made an answer before anything goes wrong.

"I need to sleep!" I went to bed and lay there for a second, I pull the covers and let my tiredness take over me.


I woke up feeling happy than before.

Im just wondering what Luke is doing right now. All I think about is Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke! I just cant help it, I love Luke!  But mostly I love my life. If Im ready to give it all to Luke then thats the time when I'll admit to myself that I love Luke more than my life.

"Ali?" I get interupted by Ashley knocking on the door.

I stood up, went to the door and opened it. Showing a Smirking Ashley! Help Me! SSA is coming! Theres going to be dangerous news and espicially, heard rumors that I dont want to talk about!

"Okay, Im going straight to the point on why Im here, Ali!" Blah.Blah.Blah. "Are you and Luke together?" Okay, she really went for it, she went staright to the point.

"Wait! What? No,no,no,no!" Okay first, the dangerous news √check.

"Cause my friends told me that they saw you two on the beach having fun and embracing!" She emphasize the last word and raise her eyebrows.

"Yeah, were jusy having fun!" I emphasize the last word and raise my eyebrows just like her. Were related, so, I can do anything what I want. Ahhrrrm, okay, there goes the heard rumors √check. Im always right, right? right! Im so dumb, right?

"Well, its okay Ali, its fine to have a boyfriend, just dont make babies, okay, and ranaway!" She chuckle, How wierd is my sister? Scale of 1 to 10! Where? I think 7.

"Okay, sis! Get out now!" I push her out of my room to have some time to think on what she said.

"Ali, your boyfriends here!" Ashley shouted, How embarrasing, right? If your in here then you'll taste what Ashley can do and upto!

"Wait!" I guess theres no time to think for now. Maybe I'll manage this with him.

I went out from my room, ran to Luke and hug him like this is the first time I saw him.

Luke's POV

I was taken aback by Ali. But I just gave in, I hug her back and slowly seperating from the hug.

"Why are you blushing?" I poke her cheecks and started chuckling.

"Im not blushing! This is only a blush-on!" She try to wipe off the blush-on or something like that but I know, that she's lying. And I know, that Ali likes me! For Sure!

Too confindent? My mind stated, Yeah, Im confident that Ali feels the same way.

"It isnt coming off!" She mutter, walking to the elavator, still trying to wipe her blush-on. I just chuckle.

"I know that its not true! Dont lie to me. You suck at lying, Ali!" I teased, walking to the elavator and pressing lobby.

"Where are we going, Lukey?" She impatiently said, stomping her feet as we walk pass the lobby.

"Just keep calm and wait!" I wink at her, she tried to wink back at me but its more like closing her eyes.

I try to figure out where was the passageway to the place where I mostly go when Im feeling, you know a bit down.

"Lets go this way!" I grab her hand as she followed me to the mysterious place I go in.

"Whats this -- Ohmagerd!" She runs inside and breath the air in and out.

"This is my secret place, Ali!" I look around and saw a chair. I walk to it and sat.

"Shut your mouth! Look at the sign!" She points at the sign on the entrance and it says "Garden". I just chuckle. "This is not your secret or whatsoever. Look at the other side. There people taking pictures!" She added.

We laugh and she sat right beside me. These feels like the perfect time to confess on how I feel about her.

My body is going crazy inside,  Im not really ready to confess cause my mind says, Not now! Just wait for the perfect and the right to confess.

I grab Ali's hand, "A beautiful sight, isnt it?" I look deep into her eyes and leaned closer.

"Yeah, its beautiful!" I leaned closer, only inches apart. I can feel her breath quicken. I leaned in for the kiss but all I see is nothing, no one. I turn around and saw Ali running away from me.

"Ali! Sorry!" I run after her but she quickly got away, she went inside the lobby and to the elavator, when I was at the entrance, I quicken my pace and thank god, I reached the elavator before it closed.






I want you all readers to know that this chapter is a cliffhanger.

#BOOM! Cliffhanger! #KaPow!

What'll happen to them?

What do you think? is Luke stupid? is Ali overacting? If you want to know!


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