Chapter 5

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Alice's POV

It was unfortunately raining, it totally sucks, God, I hate rain! Well, dont hate me. Im a sun person and I want to go adventure and do stuffs. But today aint the same cause again, its raining.

I was now here at my room, trying to have some fun but I guess Mission Unaccomplish, I dont know if its even a word. Again I.Am.Not.Perfect.

I am doing cartwheels, Yes, im doing cartwheels but I was interupted by noises roaming around the living room.

"Ali, come out here!" Ashley knocked on my door, "Were playing truth or dare and Luke's here" She smirked, even if I didnt see her, I know that she's smirking.

"Yeah, okay! Be right there!" I went to the closet to wear something, you know presentable.

When I went outside, there were 10 to 15 people forming a circle and laughing. I dont do truth or dare but I dont want to be a loser and sit on a corner. I want to be a doctor! If that makes sense.

"Hey!" Everyone turned all around and eyes were all on me. "Can I join?", They gave me a coo'ed of hey's and yeah's.

This girl with blonde hair turns the bottle and landed on this boy, I dont recognize.

"Okay, Zach" Well, Zach's his name. "Truth or Dare?" She drunkenly said. They drinking? Wait, what? Wheres mom and dad?. "DARE!" He stands up and shakes his head. "Kiss any girl here for 15 seconds with tongue!" Wow! What A Dare! I dont think he can do this! Wanna bet?

He passed me and attacked the person right beside me and it was goddamn Ashley, my freaking sister. Yuck! Was all in my mind. So, disgusting!

They're making out, Right Friggin Beside Me! I am covering my eyes right now, I dont want to see this, that girl and I MEAN that girl said 15 seconds ONLY! How could Ashley do this, shes ruining her life and espicially My Entire Life!

I just chuckled at my stupidness and  roam my eyes all around and THESE PEOPLE are watching two people eat each others faces up and not even blinking, I mean they're wide eyed watching but suddenly,I notice that Luke is staring at me and laughing. Is there something in my face? but I just go with it. I just started laughing with him. Dont judge us! Kay? We are not a book, so dont judge us.

"Okay guys, 5 minutes are up!" Yeah, they passes the limit mark. Luke snaps his fingers a couple of times and chuckled bringing all of the attention on him, "Well this is awkward, LETS START THE GAME!" He added.

Zach went back to where he sat and it was Ashley's turn to spin the bottle and  unexpectedly, it landed on me. WOW! So FUN! Yeah, so fun!  But deep down inside, HELP ME!

"Okay, Ali, Truth or Dare?" I dont know what to pick. I dont like this game, its like FIFA 1! Its so rubbish.

"Is there something else, I could escape from this question?" I ask, looking at the floor, so embarrased. Way To Go! Now, I need to go sit in a corner because Im a Big Fat Loser.

"Okay, then drink this!" Ashley hands me alcohol, I dont know what it is but it smells disgusting.

"Wait! What? Were allowed to drink without parents supervision or consent? Ashley, wheres mom and dad? We are not adults, were basically 16,17 and 18. This is unappropriate for us and espicially on our healths!" Am I a smarty pants? Nah! Im just a wannabe.

"Ali, Mom and Dad are on the spa, relaxing. So, dont worry!" Why would I worry? I worry because I dont want to be a slut, dancing like theres no tomorrow!

"I just cant do this! Im out! Babye!" I stood up and I hear boooh's but some of them are saying shes right and its true! I went to my room, lock the door and jump on my bed.

Well, I guess, this day turned to be perfect, well the rest of it. So, I guess, Mission Accomplish!


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Love you.


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