Chapter 4

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Alice's POV

"Refreshing!" I came out to the bathroom, well-refreshed! I look at myself in the mirror with full of digust! Why am I not like Ashley? I ask myself that question all over and over again. She's beautiful and I'm just, I dont know what I am!

I grabbed a pair of pink tank top, mini skirt and doll shoes. Do I look like a child? No! Its cute, this attire is cute!

I went outside my room and found mom and dad at the kitchen.

"Hey!" I waved at them but they just, IGNORED ME? "Hello?" I added.

"Stop it sweetie, were just hang-over!" Dad explained what happened.

"Okay, Im just going to go out!" I waved at them, one last time and I went out.

Once I opened the door, Luke was standing right infront of me, waiting for me? Yeah, waiting for you.

"Hey!" I smiled at him, "You look cute!" He look up and down and smiled, revealing his dimples.

"Yeah, this attire is cute!" I pointed at what I was wearing.

"No, You Look Cute!" He emphasized every word. I swear that my face was really heating up. I was really blushing! My God, so embarassing!

"Your blushing!" He playfully pinch my cheecks. And I swear, hes blushing. "Your blushing too!" I laughed at him and now, were laughing. Were just so stupid! I know.

"So, lets go?" He grabbed my arm, "Where we going?" I ask him causing him to stop. "I actually dont know!" He laughed. "Lets go to the arcade!" He suggested, and I just nodded.


"How do you keep on doing that?" I gasped as Luke won again at this game I call ANNOYING. He just laughed and grabbed my hand.

"What's this?" I pointed at a machine that looks like, I dont know, rubbish?

"This is one of my favorites, Ferrari 1!" He sat, "Come on!" He added.

I really dont know how to use this, this isnt my type of game but lets try a new one, shall we?

"Okay!" I sat beside him and then it started, my heart was beating rapidly fast, "I dont know how to use this?" I was nervous but Luke didnt even listen to me! How sad! 1, 2, 3, Go! "Its starting? Shit!" I just grabbed the steering wheel and off I go.


"Sheesh!" Its really frustating, I dont like this game! I hate it, very much!

"I won, yeah, I won!" He does his victory dance and it sorta cute! but I need my vengeance!

"Its my turn!" I grabbed his hand and we went to Just Dance "This is my favorite!" I shouted, "Come on!"

I pressed 2 player and picked the song. "You ready?" I act like this was a fight cause I.Need.My.Vengeance. "Yeah, Im ready!" Well, Let the battle begin!


"What?" I shouted, "I beat you in your own game!" He does his victory dance AGAIN, I just laughed at him.

"Your so cute!" I whispered, "What?" He stared at me, "Nothing!", He cupped my chin, "You said Im cute, right? Dont lie!" His eyes were like daggers looking right through me. I dont like this, I grab his hand, "Lets go, I'm tired!".

I tried to pull his hand but he wouldnt budge, Hes not a kid anymore! Why did I even said that hes cute?

"Come on! Your not a kid anymore Luke! Your a full grown man!" I pushed him but he was to strong for me. Look at me, I.Am.Not.Perfect.

"What do you want?. Do you want me to tell you truth? Well, here it goes. Luke Hemmings, You are cute!" I blush, this is getting awkward. Its not my fault, its his. Right?

"Okay, come on Ali. Lets go!" He smiled, "Your cute too!" He added.


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